rksoftware uses a lot of time to help users to get their Opencockpits modules up and running and a small donation is always appreciated. Click Donation button above if you want to support rksoftware. |
rksoftware SHOPrksoftware SHOP uses PayPal's secure payment platform for a safe purchase experience.
Payments can be made with your PayPal account or with the most popular credit cards. After payment is accepted by Paypal.com and received by rksoftware, a download link will be sent from an rksoftware email address to the buyers email address. The download link is not sent out from paypal.com, but from a rksoftware email address. Check you spam folder if you do not get the download link after your purchase. You can also send an email to rksoftware support to sort out any delivery problems. If you have any questions before you order a product, send an email to rksoftware support email address: roarkrsp@gmail.com All software from rksoftware is for private, non commercial/non professional/non training use only. Users of rksoftware products that interfaces PMDG airplanes must adhere to the PMDG 737, PMDG 737 SDK, PMDG 777X, PMDG 777X SDK, PMDG B747 v3 and PMDG B747 v3 SDK EULAs. |
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Oi4FS24 for MSFS2020/ MSFS2024 update
(send a proof that you already own an Oi4FS24 license when ordering this item) 10 Euro |
Oi4FS24 49 Euro
Oi4FS (Opencockpits interface for Flight Simulators) is a rksoftware app that lets you configure and activate airplanes to be controlled with Opencockpits modules.
Now compatible for both MSFS2020 and MSFS2024. Oi4FS24 comes with airplanes drivers for PMDG 737 MSFS airplanes that use the G1000 avionics* MS/ASOBO B747, B787 and CJ4* flybywire A32NX* Aerosoft CRJ* Leonardo MD82* The PMDG 737 driver supports all Opencockpits B737 modules. The other drivers marked with * support these modules: MCP, EFIS, CDU/FMS, COMs, NAVs, ADF, and ATC. |
OiPMDG777 driver 25 Euro |
OiPMDG777 driver for MSFS lets you use the Opencockpits B737 hardware modules when flying the PMDG 777 in MSFS2020 and MSFS2024.
The OiPMDG777 driver supports Opencockpits B737 modules to be used with PMDG B777 in MSFS: MCP v2/v3, Captain and First Officer EFISs, Captain & First Officer FMC/CDU v2/v3, COM1, COM2 and ATC/Transponder. |
OiMS737Max driver 10 Euro
OiWT747 driver 10 Euro
OiWT747 driver lets you use the Opencockpits B737 hardware modules when flying the Working Title B747 airplanes, both the
B747-400 LCF and the B747-400 GST in MSFS2024. The OiWT747 driver supports Opencockpits B737 modules to be used with Working Title B747-400 airplanes in MSFS2024: MCP, EFIS, CDU , COM1, COM2, and ATC/Transponder. |
FStarter24 10 Euro
FStarter24 v2 for MSFS2020 and MSFS2024 lets you add your own POIs, find and explore MSFS TIN cities, MSFS POIs, Airports and own POIs. All features are easily managed from the FStarter24 MAP.
Start an Airport Traffic Pattern to any runway in the word. - Downwind - Base - Final - Entry Ideal for training and improve your landing skills. A must have for fast and fun VFR touring or IFR flying in any of your MSFS airplanes. You can start your flight at or to any 3Dcity, MSFS POI or own POI from a map marker. Create your own POIs. ![]()
FLIGHTSAVE is a handy MSFS tool that will let you create saved Flight situations directly to the actual locations as flight markers on a map. Saved Flights with user settable titles can be initiated manually or automatically with its AutoSave function. AutoSave interval is user settable. Loading a Saved Flight is easily done by clicking any of the Saved Flight markers on the map. FLIGHTSAVE works for all airplanes in MSFS. FLIGHTSAVE also has a moving airplane symbol to tell your exact location on the map. ![]()
OC4BA_XP 29 Euro