The information below was written for the OC4BAv5 product which has been replaced by the new Oi4FS24. The OC4BAv5 features and functions plus improvements are now implemented in the new Oi4FS24 that is available from the SHOP page.
The scripts for the PMDG 737 airplanes that come with OC4BAv5 and Oi4FS's PMDG 737 driver work with Opencockpits’ ready built P&P modules
CHRONO-Captain, EFISCaptain, MCP, EFIS-FO, CHRONO-FO, FMC-Captain, FMC-FO, COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2, ADF1, ATC, AUDIO1, AUDIO2 and OVH-FWD, OVH-AFT, MIP and PEDESTAL without any need for modification.
This script should be used if no modification is needed or serve as a base if modification is needed.
When is script modification needed?
1. If you have built any of the above listed modules based on Opencockpits IOCARDs and the connection numbering scheme is different than the default numbering scheme that is used in Opencockpits built modules.
2. If you have any of the modules listed below, either Opencockpits built modules or own built modules based on Opencockpits IOCARDs.
3. If you have any COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2, ADF1, ATC, AUDIO1, AUDIO2 modules using the IDC interface. The needed modifications are easy to do with the OC4BAv5 and Oi4FS Script Edit function. You only need to change the input, output and display connection numbers.
In case 3 above, you also need to modify the script so it uses Device 32 for any IDC connected modules. If your own built modules are not complete, there can be issues like “jumping” switches or modules that do not work correctly. You must then make modifications to the script to get rid of these issues. Disable none used inputs by inserting a "//" at the beginning of the script line of the input causing an issue.
This is done to the script .txt file and followed with a compilation to a script .ssi file.
If IDC interface is used and not P&P modules for the COM, NAV etc., Device 32 must be used and inputs and outputs connection numbers changed to default PEDESTAL or your own numbering scheme.
All Servos needs to be calibrated and if needed the script must be modified.
If you have any issues with the scripts, visit the Forum and explain the issue in detail and support will be given.
Check out some Youtube videos here at my Youtube channel:
How to install and setup OC4BAv5. It is so easy.
How to modify OC4BAv5's standard script.
OC4BAv5 Configuration of Opencockpits modules.
How to configure your HW modules with OC4BAv4
OC4BAv5 script modification.
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