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Latest OCP4NGXu.exe Firewall error? (Solved)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:01 pm
by Wardie
Hi Roar,
I've just found the time to update my OC4BAv5 using OCP4NGXu.exe dated 17 December. I'm running windows 10 with the latest P3Dv4.5 and I get an error message "Error # 2: Connect to SIOC failure, might be a firewall.......? I de-activate my firewall but I still get the same message. Am I doing something stupid?

Re: Latest OCP4NGXu.exe Firewall error?

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:47 pm
by mvr1918
It seems like OCP4NGXu driver does not get connected to the SIOC server.

This is likely due to an installation problem.

Have you made a new PMDG B737.ini configuration file with OC4BAv5/Config?

Not necessary if you kept your old one as OCP4NGX and OCP4NGXu use the same file.

Try to start SIOC.exe, after you have a SIOC.ini like the PMDG B737.ini, and then OCP4NGXu.exe directly from the SIOC folder to test. Do both programs stay alive? Check in the taskbar.

You will get this error if SIOC server does not accept the call from OCP4NGX client.

Re: Latest OCP4NGXu.exe Firewall error? (Solved)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:53 pm
by Wardie
Thanks Roar, did as suggested, all sorted! Thanks for your ongoing support!

Re: Latest OCP4NGXu.exe Firewall error? (Solved)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 7:32 pm
by mvr1918