OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

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OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by snoopy6129 »

I have Opencockpits USB plug-and-play B737 modules for my pedestal (2x COM, 2x NAV, 1x ATC, 1x ADF, 2x AUDIO, and 1x Fire Panel) and using OCP4NGX v4.6. I am working on getting my Fire Panel in USB mode to work with the OC4BA script. I understand that v4.6 only support Fire Panel in IDC mode, not USB P&P. I do not have a pedestal I/O card for my set up.

Question #1: Is there, or will there, be support for B737 Fire Panel in USB mode in future OC4BA version?

Question #2: In reading forum posts, it is my understanding I can edit my OCP4NGX SSI v4.6 script to get my USB Fire Panel to work by changing input, output, and device numbers. I need some guidance on what numbers to change to. Do I follow the input and output numbers listed on the Opencockpits' Fire Panel manual on page 5 and 6?: ... nglish.pdf

Also, what is the correct MASTER declaration for a Fire Panel in USB mode? Is it still MASTER=32,19,1,164? I like confirmed what is the correct IDX and Type #. I did not see this listed on the OC4BA documentation.

Any guidance on how to get my OC B737 Fire Panel in USB to work will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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Re: OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by mvr1918 »

Question #1: Is there, or will there, be support for B737 Fire Panel in USB mode in future OC4BA version?

All modules are supported in OC4BAv4 no, but due to the high number of combinations of modules types, sometimes it is necessary to make modifications to the script.

You can use the MASTER definition you suggested.

Check this youtube video to get an idea of how to modify a script.

After you have modified and saved the file, compile it
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Re: OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by snoopy6129 »

Thank you for creating the video demonstration. I will work on this over the weekend. Looks easy enough. Thanks again.
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Re: OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by snoopy6129 »


I have successfully update the input and output # to have my SIOC script recognize my Fire Panel in USB mode. My USB Fire Panel LEDs and switches are working as it mirrors my PMDG B737 virtual cockpit.

The only inputs that does not work in PMDG B737 are when the fire handles are lifted up on my OC Fire Panel. IOCP Console shows the log data below when I lift and push back down the fire handles on my USB Fire Panel.

2442=0 - HNDENG1
2441=0 - HNDAPU
2443=0 - HNDENG2
2442=1 - HNDENG1
2441=1 - HNDAPU
2443=1 - HNDENG2

But these actions are not reflected in PMDG. I've configured PMDG to simulate a fire on ENG1, ENG2, and the APU and I even pressed the fire handle override button in my virtual cockpit. But when I lift the fire handles on my Fire Panel, the fire handles in my virtual cockpit doe not raise. The only thing I see the virtual cockpit fire handles do is raise up slightly and then fall back down.

Can you tell me if SIOC is programmed to raise the fire handles in my virtual cockpit when I lift the physical handles on my USB Fire Panel??

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Re: OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by mvr1918 »

Can you tell me if SIOC is programmed to raise the fire handles in my virtual cockpit when I lift the physical handles on my USB Fire Panel??
Yes, the OCP4NGX driver should make them work.

I will check again in my cockpit and come back with some guidance.
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Re: OpenCockpits B737 Fire Panel in USB Mode

Post by mvr1918 »

A new OCP4NGX driver has fixes for the FIRE PANEL.

See topic ... f=24&t=918
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