Programming the OCP4777X

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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Programming the OCP4777X

Post by Capt777 »

Hi All.
Im flying PMDG 777 in FSX using OCP4777x.
Need a primer to program the driver?
MasterWarning/Caution on 777 should be nice to implement
My Best // Gert Persson, Malmö
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Re: Programming the OCP4777X

Post by mvr1918 »

If you go into the Script page in OC4BAv4/5 and select B77X as Airplane and then Events and Variables, you will get all the SIOC Variable numbers to use for both inputs and outputs to/from the airplane.

The MASTER Warning/Caution push button on left is 2522, the Warning message is 1451 and the Caution message is 1453.

To implement these functions to the script do the following:

1. In "Compiled scripts" in Script page right click OCP4777X_v4.5.ssi and go to "Open in SIOC Compiler"
2 In the opened Config_SIOC window click Files in the menu bar and then export to TXT
3. Save as OCP4777X_v4.5mymod.txt
4. Now you can add in new script code to this script file based on what you want to implement.
5. For MASTER WARNINGS/CAUTIONS button on left side, add
Var 2522, name MASTER_L, static, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 31, Input xx, Type I , where xx is the input number you have connected your hardware button for MASTER WARNINGS/CAUTIONS
Var 1451, name aMAST_L_WA, static, Link IOCARD_OUT, Device 31, Output xx, where xx is the output number you have connected your hardware led for MASTER WARNINGS
Var 1453, name aMAST_L_CA, static, Link IOCARD_OUT, Device 31, Output xx, where xx is the input number you have connected your hardware led for MASTER CAUTIONS

6. Save the modded txt file

7. Click another airplane line and then click B777X again to refresh listed Text scripts in Script page of OC4BAv4/5
8. Right-click and compile txt file
9. Save as OCP4777X_v4.5mymod.ssi

You also have to make a new configuration file in OC4BAv4/v5 to set up the EXPANSION/MASTER for your MIP and select the new OCP4777X_v4.5mymod.ssi
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Location: Malmö Sweden

Re: Programming the OCP4777X

Post by Capt777 »

Hi Roar.

Thx for your very informative description.
I already know the most of it.
But now it almost works.
what is the 1449 for?

Next should be the Master Brightnes function.

Best // Gert Persson, Malmö
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Posts: 1725
Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:35 pm

Re: Programming the OCP4777X

Post by mvr1918 »

1449 = WARN_Reset_Sw_Pushed[0]; // MOMENTARY action

As it says, the WARN_Reset_Sw was pushed. It is an acknowledge message from the airplane's SDK
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