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Post by vinicius »

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My name is Vinicius and I'm new to aviation, we are starting a really cool project for a boeing 737-800ng.

I have only one problem, all my opencockpits modules work perfectly, adf, vhf, atc, mcp, fmc etc. However I can not operate the USBoutputs card, which I want to use the usboutputs card to drive all LEDs of mip, because the overhead I already ordered full of opencockpits.
My doubt is if there is something wrong or if there is a script missing, search and found no solution.

I have FSX and X-plane 11, we haven't decided which simulator to use yet (I accept suggestions which simulator is closest to reality). :)

PS: I used the translator, my English is very weak.
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WhatsApp Image 2019-11-12 at 10.18.51.jpeg (171.23 KiB) Viewed 7942 times
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Re: USBoutputs

Post by mvr1918 »

Welcome to the forum :D

I would have gone with the FSX( or even better, the P3Dv4). AS you now have the OC4BAv4MAx software you could also use it for XPLANE11, but not all OC modules are supported.

With FSX(P3Dv4) and OC4BAv4 you can build a complete Cockpit.

re: USBOutput card

If you plan to use the USBOutput for some MIP leds you need to do the following:

Verify that you have a MASTER line for your USBOutput card in the PMDG B737.ini file( in the addition to the other configuration lines for the other modules)



if you want i.e. a Led for the FLAPS_TRANSIT
and this LED is connected to USBOutput card connection 5
you need to modify the script so the script uses the output number that you use in your USBOutput card

See this video as an example of what to do: ... e=emb_logo
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Re: USBoutputs

Post by vinicius »

Excellent explanation, it really helped me a lot, it worked partially, some LEDs from mip indicators worked and some did not, only worked channel 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 (land gear), I will study and understand a little more to see where is the error.

The FLAPS_TRANSIT haven't gotten to this part yet, so I don't know how to set it up.

Your script editing program seems to be very very easy to use. Congratulations excellent program, I tried to use prosim, but yours is much better and smarter.

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Re: USBoutputs

Post by vinicius »

sorry, it works yes all leds of mip. Ignore the last reply.

Newbie mistake, lol!
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Re: USBoutputs

Post by mvr1918 »

Glad you got it working.

OC4BA and SIOC take some time to learn

but once learned, it works very good.

I liked you comment:

Your script editing program seems to be very very easy to use. Congratulations excellent program, I tried to use prosim, but yours is much better and smarter.

And it cost only a fraction of the Prosim cost.
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