Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SIOC

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Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SIOC

Post by snoopy6129 »

On my primary PC, I am not longer able to plug in more Opencockpits Plug-and-Play modules. It gives me an error about running out of USB resources. Thus, I am setting up a secondary computer to offload some of my modules. I have:

Primary PC: MCP, EFIS, and IO Cards with P3D and PMDG 737NGX, SIOC (v7.03B2) installed

Secondary PC: COM, NAV, ATC, and ADF modules, SIOC (v7.03B2) installed

Using siocmonitor.exe on my primary computer, I do see all my Opencockpits devices plugged into both my primary and secondary computer. Also, siocmonitor.exe does recognize inputs and outputs signals of my modules plugged into my secondary computer.

But, on my primary computer, SIOC is only showing devices that are plugged into my primary computers (e.g., MCP, EFIS). Should it also list the modules I have plugged into my secondary computer? When configuring OC4BAv4, it only lists the modules that are plugged into my primary computer (e.g., MCP, EFIS). I should point out that when I can all my Opencockpits modules plugged into just my primary PC, OC4BAv4 sees all of them.

Even though I see all my devices on my primary computer using siocmonitor.exe, maybe I did not properly edit the SIOC.INI files on both my computers correctly? I was not able to find formal documentation on how to configure SIOC.INI with two networked computers. I used information I found on various forums.

Can someone help my identify what devices I should see in SIOC on my primary computer? Or verification (or link to a document) on how SIOC should be edited for networked computers? And some tips on how to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »

Maybe another way for me to express what I'm looking for is: how do I configure SIOC to properly recognize Opencockpits plug-and-play modules that is plugged into multiple network computers?

The few pieces of information I've come across related to this are from several years and I believe on SIOC v4.

Any guidance or information will be much appreciated.

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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by mvr1918 »

Have you read this topic? Maybe it can help you a bit further. ... f=15&t=387
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »

No I have not. I will review the post. Allow me at least a few days to provide my update.

Thank you.
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »


I got my O/C modules on my client PCs to work with PMDG. I appreciate the link to the article you provided me for guidance. Much appreciated!

Thank you.
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »


I had to take time away from my cockpit build since my last post. I'm restarting my build project now and I am trying to remember how I resolved this issue last time. The issue is my OC P&P modules on my secondary computer is not showing up in SIOC or OC4BA on my primary computer. I've attached screenshots of my SIOC setup for both my primary computer and my client computer.


Should my OC P&P modules connected to my client computer appear on the SIOC Device List that is on my primary computer?

Conversely, should my OC P&P modules connected to my primary computer appear on the SIOC Device List that is on my client computer?

I think this is why my OC4BA on my primary computer does not list the modules that are connected to my client computer.

Can you confirm if my SIOC Device List should list ALL modules from both my primary and client computer??

Thank you.
OC4BA not showing modules that are on client computer.
OC4BA not showing modules that are on client computer.
oc4ba_configuration.png (19.44 KiB) Viewed 10038 times
Client computer with OC P&P modules
Client computer with OC P&P modules
client_computer.png (19.13 KiB) Viewed 10038 times
Primary computer with P3D
Primary computer with P3D
p3d_computer.png (20.11 KiB) Viewed 10038 times
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by mvr1918 »

I am not using 2 PCs in my HomeCockpit so I have not any detail info to tell you.

But, why struggle with 2 PC? If you have a lack of USB ports on your main PC, just buy a cheap USB hub to increase the number of USB ports.

It so much easier to handle 1 PC compared to 2 PC
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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »

The problem is not with the available physical USB ports. I'm using three USB hubs already and have available USB ports. The problem is logical issue related to "USB endpoints". The article I've linked below describes the issue and why I am using two computers. ... resources/

I'm continuing to troubleshoot this. I will update this post to share my findings when I have them for the benefits of others.

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Re: Recognizing Opencockpits Modules on Secondary PC with SI

Post by snoopy6129 »

I have found a working solution to the "out of USB resources" error message I get when I plug in over a certain number of USB devices to my computer (despite the fact it is still within the limit of number of devices USB ports). The solution that worked for me is to disable the xHCI Mode option in BIOS.

I found the solution at: ... windows-10

From what I gathered, the USB limitation has something to do with the Intel chipset on my motherboard. Regardless, this worked for me. Hopefully this can help others that encounters the same problem.
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