OC4BA_XP don´t work

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OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by 1pilot »

The OC4BA_XPz doesn't work well for me. I have recently updated Windows, Xplane, Zibo, Java and I don't know if this will have anything to do with it or if I have touched something on the pc.
The versions I have are:
- Updated Windows 10 (dated yesterday 4/02/19)
- Xplane 11.31
- Zibo B738X_3_33b
- Sioc 5.1B2
- OC4BA_XPz 1.3.1
- Java 8.201
- ZCDU 0.0.1c
- Extplane

I'm gonna try to explain what's wrong with me:
I run the Xplane, press shift + ctrl + z. The digits light up in the MCP and coincide with what the 737 shows on the screen. The ZCDU is opened and the screens are positioned in the CDU. If I press the FMC keys, they don't work for me. If I press the buttons on the Zibo737 if I update the CDU. The EFIS and the MCP work for me for a few seconds and then it is blocked. The Sioc icon and the Oc4ba icon disappear from the Windows status bar. If I pulse shift + ctrl + z, the digits and lights of the mcp that had remained illuminated are extinguished and the cdu are removed.

I have uninstalled Sioc and Oc4ba_xpz. I have reinstalled it. In the interface of Oc4ba_xpz_init, after selecting the path of Xplane, match the devices with their scripts, pressing "File/Exit" I get the following error message: Exception not controlled. Error 0x80004005. Access denied.

Of all the message that comes in the button "details" of the window of the error, I have copied a piece in the file "error.txt", which I attached. There are also several errors in the windows event log.

Error3.PNG (98.5 KiB) Viewed 10776 times
Error1.PNG (101.72 KiB) Viewed 10776 times
error OC4BA_XPz _init.PNG
error OC4BA_XPz _init.PNG (206.51 KiB) Viewed 10776 times
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by mvr1918 »

I see 2 possible reasons for your problems.

You are using an old SIOC which is not compatible with your Windows version.

Do you have the Windows 10 Fall Edition 1809?

It could also be that you have a old version of OC4BA_XP.

Send me a an email from the email account you used when buying the OC4BA_XP and I will send you latest versions
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by 1pilot »

I have updated the Sioc and the Oc4ba but unfortunately I still have the same problems. I have opened the windows event viewer. Attached screenshots with the errors, if it helps to locate the problem.

event_1 06-02-19.PNG
event_1 06-02-19.PNG (103.59 KiB) Viewed 10770 times
event_3 06-02-19.PNG
event_3 06-02-19.PNG (99.93 KiB) Viewed 10770 times
event_4 06-02-19.PNG
event_4 06-02-19.PNG (107 KiB) Viewed 10770 times
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by mvr1918 »

I will look into the error reports later.

In the meantime, disconnect the FO fmc

and make a new Config.

I haven't tested with 2 FMCs as I have only one
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by 1pilot »

I have disconnected the FO fmc and it still gives the same errors.
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by mvr1918 »

I have the flu now, so I am not able to debug the issue bases on the error info.
Try also to uncheck all usb connection you use so they are not in power saving mode.

I look into it when I get better
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by 1pilot »

Okay, don't worry. Get better soon and then we'll talk. I will try to uncheck all usb connections.
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by mvr1918 »

The only thing I get out from the error lists is that
you should try to repair/ update your usb drivers and .NET FRAMEWORK

Can you access you modules via SIOC.exe's SIOC Monitor and do SIOC-exe's IOCPConsole log response to inputs?
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by 1pilot »

SIOC didn't work well on my pc. I tried version 7, 6 and 5 but none of them worked properly. That was very strange.
It must have been a Windows problem. I restored it and then I installed Sioc 7 and OC4BA_XPz 1.3 and now it works!. I guess in some Windows update my pc had been damaged.

I left the Xplane connected. In the beginning the 2 EFIS, the MCP and the 2 CDU/FMC worked correctly. But, after a while the FMC keyboards didn't seem to respond to the clicks.

I will tell you what I see with the FMCs when I do more tests.

Thank you very much Roar.
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Re: OC4BA_XP don´t work

Post by mvr1918 »

The latest Windows 10 updates are known to do some weird things to USB drivers / settings. Not everyone have problems, but some.

I am quite sure that OC4BA_XPz works fine, but in order to do so, SIOC must be working OK with Windows.
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