Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem[SOLVED]

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Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem[SOLVED]

Post by 1pilot »

First of all I wanted to thank you for your work, without which building a homemade cabin would be impossible, at least for me. It is of little use to buy opencockpits devices if there is no software that can handle it. Before I used fsx:se and some years ago I decided to change to Xplane 11. I've been waiting for the update 1.3.1 of OC4BA_XP. And I encourage you to continue with the tedious and arduous work that must be for you to get it done, but I'm sure there are a lot of people waiting for it. Xplane11 is growing a lot and I think a lot of people will switch to this platform (if they haven't already) if there are applications like yours that make things easier.

Now I have installed the following versions of the programs:
Xplane 11.30
Zibo Mod 737 3.32a
OC4BA_XP v1.3
SIOC 5.1 B2
ZCDU v.0.0.1c

After all this, I wanted to tell you that I have some problems with OC4BA_XP. The MCP is working properly. The EFIS appear exchanged (the CPT for the FO) and some buttons are changed as well. For example, when I press STA in my EFIS in the Xplane it is as if I pressed WXR; if I press WPT it is as if I pressed STA; if I press CTR it is as if I pressed WPT. On the other hand, the FMC keys don't work . I have adjusted the size of the CDU and I have pressed the keys of the 2 FMC but there is no answer. I enclose a screenshot with the devices I have connected and a copy of sioc.ini.

I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance.
sioc.ini-2.PNG (12.75 KiB) Viewed 11582 times
sioc.ini-1.PNG (24.44 KiB) Viewed 11582 times
sioc monitor
sioc monitor
sioc monitor.PNG (33.65 KiB) Viewed 11582 times
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by mvr1918 »

To switch the EFISs ( CPT <> FO) to be correct

you can modify the ZIBO B737.ini with NotePad

before the modification:

after modification:

in addition to get FMCs to work you should make sure you also have these 2 lines


As you have 5 modules you should have these 5 lines before SAVING
MASTER= 15,15,1,15

Then save as ZIBO B737.ini ( !!not as ZIBO B737.ini.txt)

If your Captain_FMC is FMC FO and vice versa just change the last digits 23 and 24
and SAVE

This is a manual configuration, but this should also be correct using the OC4BA_XPz_init.exe

Remember that OC4BA_XPz_init.exe write the configuration to Zibo B737.ini and any manual configuration should also be done to Zibo B737.ini

If you try to change SIOC.ini it will be overwritten by the content of Zibo B737.ini when the OC4BA driver start in XPLANE11

Hope this was clear enough

Now to the EFIS buttons

Please read MUST READ OC4BA_XPz v1.3 in SIOC folder about the CTR and TFC

It could also be that your EFISs are wired somewhat different than the default OC built or are using different labels on the bottom button row.

The script is coded for button labels as this: WXR-STA-WPT-ARPT-DATA-POS-TERR

What to do :

Run SIOC (and go to SIOC Monitor and write sown the number you for all the lower buttons)

Make a list of button names and numbers and show me.

Then I can tell you how and what to change in the script.
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by 1pilot »

I can't find the file "Zibo b737.ini". I have made a copy of sioc.ini, I follow the steps you told me (exchange EFIS devices...) and I have recorded it with the name "Zibo b737.ini". I run Xplane, then OC4BA-XP (shift+ctrl+z) and the same thing keeps happening. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by mvr1918 »

If didn't find the Zibo B737. ini you
didn't run the installation correctly.

Try to run oc4ba _xp_init.exe as administrator and make
a new configuration. Then send the text of Zibo B737. ini
so I can have a look.
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by 1pilot »

I'm describing the steps I've taken:

1º I have uninstalled the SIOC, the OCB4A_XP, OCB4A_XPz
2º Install SIOC in C:SIOC.
3º Install OCB4A_XP in C:\SIOC. I edit XPLANE.INI and add under [*]:
[X-PLANE 11]
MASTER= 15,15,1,15
I run OC4B_XP (shift + ctrl + o) and the 2 EFIS and the MCP work correctly!!.
5º Install OCBA_XPz in C:\SIOC, but there must be a problem because the program does not create any file called ZIBO B737.ini. I have inside C:\SIOC the file SIOC.INI and XPLANE.ini.
6º I open XPLANE.INI and verify that they follow the MASTER as before. I open SIOC.INI and verify that they continue as before.
I run the XPLANE11. I run the OC4BA_XPz (shift + ctr + z). The ZCDU window opens and receives data but the FMC keys don't work and the EFIS and MCP don't work either.
8º I have tried pressing first (shift+ctrl+o) and then EFIS and MCP work, but if I then press (shift+ctrl+z), it seems that they conflict and the EFIS no longer work correctly.
Attached is a copy of xplane.ini and sioc.ini.
xplane.ini 20-01-19.PNG
xplane.ini 20-01-19.PNG (39.64 KiB) Viewed 11559 times
sioc.ini 20-01-19.PNG
sioc.ini 20-01-19.PNG (40.98 KiB) Viewed 11559 times
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by mvr1918 »

I am not in my cockpit now, so I can't check anything at the moment.

The Zibo B737.ini is not generated by the OC4BA_XPz code, but by the child program OC4BX_XPz_init.exe
that should pop up during the OC4BA_XPz installation( when running OC4BA_XPz Setup.exe)

Did you try to run OC4BA_XPz Setup.exe as Administrator?

From MUST READ file:

9. Run OC4BA_XPz Setup.exe and follow the instruction from the Setup program.

10. In the OC4BA_XPz Config window that pops up, click "Set XPLANE 11 path" and select XPLANE 11's main folder
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by 1pilot »

Yes, I followed the steps of the installation as Administrator.

I ran OC4BA_XPz Setup.exe and installed it in C:\SIOC. Then, in the OC4BA_XPz Config pop-up window, I indicate the path where I have installed the X-PLANE 11 which is C:\X-Plane 11. (Attached photos.)

The zibo b737.ini doesn`t appear.
OC4BA_XP_init 20-01-19.PNG
OC4BA_XP_init 20-01-19.PNG (16.86 KiB) Viewed 11555 times
Xplane folder 20-01-19.PNG
Xplane folder 20-01-19.PNG (37.88 KiB) Viewed 11555 times
Setup finish 20-01-19.PNG
Setup finish 20-01-19.PNG (17.95 KiB) Viewed 11555 times
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by mvr1918 »

I see your problems, but not sure what causes it.

The OC4BA_XP_init that starts is the child program that initialize the older driver(1.2.2). It is NOT the OC4BA_XPz_init!!

It should have been the OC4BA_XPz_init that starts up. :(

You do have a OC4BA_XPz_init.exe in SIOC folder?

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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by 1pilot »

Yes, I have installed OC4BA_XPz_init.exe in the SIOC folder.

I run it as administrator but the popup window is OC4BA_XP_init.

Attached capture.
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Re: Xplane11 + 737 Zibo + OC4BA_xp problem

Post by mvr1918 »


no attachement here.

Please send an email to roarkrsp@gmail.com using the email address you used when ordering OC4BA_XP.

You will then get a download link to latest OC4BA_XP.
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