FMC/CDU showing no sync

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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FMC/CDU showing no sync

Post by escasoni.1 »

I recently upgraded my graphics card to a Gigabyte 1080 model and reconnected my EFIS, MCP and FMC modules.

The EFIS and MCP work perfectly with no issues, but the FMC screen simply shows "no sync".

I presently have 2 monitors in addition to the FMC module connected to the graphics card, one for the flight plan with a moving map showing progress, and the other as the aircraft main cockpit screen. A check in the SETTINGS > SYSTEM > DISPLAY page of Windows 10 shows all 3 to be detected as extended desktop displays, however when using the IDENTIFY button, only the 2 monitors show identifier numbers, and the FMC shows nothing. This is surely somewhat strange if the module has been detected.

Obviously the FMC is receiving no signal input, but if I have made no changes to SIOC or other Windows files, I cannot understand what has gone wrong.


SIOC Ver 50B5
Last edited by escasoni.1 on Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FMC/CDU showing no sync

Post by escasoni.1 »

I've managed to solve this problem.

The FMC has a VGA input connection, but the graphics card is all Display port and HDMI. I therefore had to use an adapter which somehow didn't feel right.

I therefore ordered a DP to VGA cable from Amazon which arrived after my previous post. When this was fitted the FMC immediately came to life. Testing was carried out on both the PMDG 747 and 777 with perfect results.

Last edited by escasoni.1 on Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FMC/CDU showing no sync

Post by escasoni.1 »

Yesterday I thought I had found the solution to this, but turning on the computer this morning resulted in the same problem - no sync on the FMC.

All I did yesterday was to exit the flight sim program (P3Dv4), shut down the computer and walk away. Nothing else was touched. I truly cannot believe that after everything was connected and working this is happening as I thought I had found the answer.

The only thing I can try is to connect the FMC to different graphics card outputs and see if this makes any difference. Apart from this, another solution might be to replece the card with my old one which was wroking fine and see what happens with that.

If anyone can help I wouild really appreciate your comments.

Last edited by escasoni.1 on Fri Jan 11, 2019 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FMC/CDU showing no sync

Post by escasoni.1 »

This is becoming really embarrassing.

I swapped the new video card for my old one (nVidea GTX 970) and the FMC module powered up with no problem. I made sure it connected with PMDG by changing fuel and payload options, then shut down the computer.

Re-installed the new card and Hey Presto, everything powered up and worked as it should. Connected to PMDG 777 and 747 and checked that fuel and payload values could be changed. Shut the computer down and re-started several times just to check everything worked each time. No problems.

Hopefully the problem has now been solved, although since I've really done nothing but changed cards I'm a bit skeptical that this is a permanent solution.

Only time will tell. I live in hope.

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Re: FMC/CDU showing no sync

Post by mvr1918 »

I hope the problem stay away.

Just to let people know that this is not a OC4BAv4 issue, but a Windows/NIVIDIA/Monitor issue.

OC4BAv4 do nothing with the monitors.
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