Increase FPS in P3Dv4 and responsiveness of OC rotaries

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Increase FPS in P3Dv4 and responsiveness of OC rotaries

Post by mvr1918 »

If for some reason you feel the responsiveness of the Opencockpits rotaries for diplays are not as good as you want here is a guide to improve it.

Using Affinity setting for the flightsim(P3D/FSX)

Add the following lines to Prepar3D.cfg if you have a CPU with 4 Cores.


This is binary 1110, which let P3D/FSX uses Core 1,2 and 3 and not Core 0.
Core 0 will now be used for other processes, like SIOC, Chrome etc

Another method is to use the IO priority setting.

It can also be used for better FPS in the flightsim.

How to Set CPU Process Priority for SIOC, OC4BAv4 and P3Dv4 Windows 10

Windows shares processor resources between all running processes based upon their priority level. If a process (application) has a higher priority level, it gets more processor resources for better performance compared to a process having lower priority.

Normally both Prepar3Dv4, SIOC and OC4BAv4’s drivers OCP4NGX, OCP4747X and OCP4777 X have its priority level set to Normal. To increase performance in Prepar3Dv4 so you get better FPS and better responsiveness when turning rotaries on OpenCockpits modules, you can manually set a higher priority for these processes to run with a High, Above normal priority level in Windows. The changes you make to the priority level of a process (application) are only temporary and not set permanently. Once the application is closed or you restart the computer, Windows will forget the priority level you set for it.


There are many applications you can change the priority level, i.e Process Explorer and Task Manger. Here is how to do it in Task Manger:

1. Open Task Manager in more details view.

2. Click/tap on the Details tab, right click on the SIOC.exe.
Click on Set priority and click on High or Above normal to set for this process.

3. Do the same for the Prepar3Dv4 and OC4BAv4’s drivers processes.
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Re: Increase FPS in P3Dv4 and responsiveness of OC rotaries

Post by mvr1918 »

If you are using SIMSTARTER you can set priority in the RUNSET configuration ( See SIMSTARTER doc for full details)

If you are starting the drivers via shortcuts:

then set this in the Target field in the Shortcut tab under SIOC properties:

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /High "G:\SIOC\sioc.exe"

! Change path for SIOC.exe to the path you have in your PC !

For OCP4NGX.exe

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /High "G:\SIOC\ocp4ngx.exe"

For OCP4747X.exe

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /High "G:\SIOC\ocp4747x.exe"

For OCP4777X.exe

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c start "" /High "G:\SIOC\ocp4777x.exe"
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