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USB port addresses

Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 1:05 pm
by Alpin-Flier
Hi Roar

Sometimes I have a problem with the USB port addresses. It happens e.g. after a temporary unplugging of one USB device, but also after the last Windows 10 Update. All IDX connections are lost, because USB port numbers have changed automatically. This is a very annoying behaviour, because I must redirect about 25 USB addresses to IDXs each time.

Is there a possiblity to fix these USB port addresses? E.g. switch somehow to manual address distribution, so that changes are only possible by user interaction?

Thanks for informations and best regards

Re: USB port addresses

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 10:35 pm
by mvr1918
The allocation of USB numbers is something that is handled by Windows OS and/or SIOC. It is very poor documented how this actually works, both in Windows and SIOC. I have really never understood how this works. There is no way to handle this in OC4BAv4, it must be done in Windows and/or SIOC. Try to send a question to Opencockpits on this issue. If I can get more info about the assignment methods used by SIOC, I can have a look.