Airport Elevation

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Airport Elevation

Post by seedosip »

I finally had more time to test the Smart Starter and found the following problem with airport elevations, it seems that when loading the flight form pre-defined scenario elevation information is being passed on to the airport that you choose to be loaded at. So after choosing different airport and setting time/date panel state and so on and setting the scenario, when choosing it in P3D the air plane appears either floating in the air or under the ground. When choosing the airport where original location as per pre-defined Scenario file to airplane model was made, everything is working fine with all panel states.
I did re-run MakeRwys just in case but it did not help. Of course when checked without SmartStarter sceneries are working correctly in terms of elevation.

SmartStarter 1.2
Win 10

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,
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Re: Airport Elevation

Post by mvr1918 »

Not sure I understand what you are doing. Could you please write down in exact order what you are doing to create this issue.
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:14 am

Re: Airport Elevation

Post by seedosip »

I will try :)
1. I start smartstarter.
2. Choose an airplane, PMDG 737 livery ( as mentioned in manual, one time only airplane model was associated to pre-defined scenery file describing panel layout)
3. Choose time and any location where I want to appear
4. Choose panel state
5. Click on set scenery button (scenery file name is the same as in step 2)
6. Start P3D, from default screen choose load, click on last modified flight = file name in step 2 and 5
7. Load the flight, starts everything well including date, location, panel layout, except the fact that if i choose airport in step 3 the airplane appears floating in the air above the airport or either under the ground depending if actual height of the airport chosen in step 3 is higher or lower than one from pre-defined location.
8. Same thing happens if I chose any runway instead of gate, airplane appears in parallel to the runway as if it would not read the add-on scenery or afcad and the airport elevation.
9. I have tried to explain as good as I could, I have tried to attach the screenshot but its way over the permitted attachment size. I can send it to you via email.

Thanks a lot for your help!
Kind regards
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