COM/NAV with single encoder[SOLVED]

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COM/NAV with single encoder[SOLVED]

Post by nolatron »

On my COM and NAV panels I only have single rotary encoders installed in it.

Is it possible to have the encode's pushbutton toggle the encoder between adjusting the numbers before the decimal and after it?
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Re: COM/NAV with single encoder

Post by mvr1918 »

It should work OK, but you need to make some changes to the COM/NAV script part. If you take a look at the script part for the EFIS you will see how I have implemented double functions for some knobs.
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Re: COM/NAV with single encoder

Post by nolatron »

Thanks, was able to get it working.
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Re: COM/NAV with single encoder

Post by mvr1918 »

To find the COM/NAV script code working with single rotary encoders,
see Shaun's mod at his site:
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Re: COM/NAV with single encoder[SOLVED]

Post by nolatron »

Doh! I meant to post that here so it's archived here as well.

Here’s the changes I made for COM1 and NAV1 radio panels to work with a single rotary encoder. You’ll need to adjust the Device and Input numbers for your hardware, and possibly the rotation value, adding a negative (-) or not, depending on your hardware setup.

Find this block of code for the COM1 panel:

Var 0502, name ROT_COM1_SW, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 57, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = &ROT_COM1_SW * 1 // change turning direction
&ST_COM1High = ROTATE 18 ,36 ,L0

Var 0503, name ROT_COM1_SF, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 8, Input 4, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = &ROT_COM1_SF * 25 // instead of acceleration that doesn't wor
&ST_COM1Low = ROTATE 0 ,999 ,L0

and replace with the following

Var 8600, name COM_SWITCH, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 31, Input 62 Type P // in the shaft

Var 8601, name ROT_COM1_SW, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 57, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = v8601 // * -1 make sure turning right increments
IF v8600 = 0
L0 = &ROT_COM1_SW * 1 // change turning direction
&ST_COM1High = ROTATE 18 ,36 ,L0
L0 = &ROT_COM1_SW * 25 // instead of acceleration that doesn't wor
&ST_COM1Low = ROTATE 0 ,999 ,L0


Find this block of code for the NAV1 panel:

Var 0524, name ROT_NAV1_SW, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 55, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = &ROT_NAV1_SW * -1 // change turning direction
&ST_NAV1High = ROTATE 8 ,17 ,L0

Var 0525, name ROT_NAV1_SF, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 9, Input 4, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = &ROT_NAV1_SF * -5 // instead of acceleration that doesn't wor
&ST_NAV1Low = ROTATE 0 ,99 ,L0

and replace with the following

Var 8602, name NAV_SWITCH, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 31, Input 61 Type P // in the shaft

Var 8603, name ROT_NAV1_SW, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 55, Aceleration 1, Type 2
L0 = v8603 // * -1 make sure turning right increments
IF v8602 = 0
L0 = &ROT_NAV1_SW * -1 // change turning direction
&ST_NAV1High = ROTATE 8 ,17 ,L0
L0 = &ROT_NAV1_SW * -5 // instead of acceleration that doesn't wor
&ST_NAV1Low = ROTATE 0 ,99 ,L0

Here's a video showing it in action:
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Re: COM/NAV with single encoder[SOLVED]

Post by mvr1918 »

Thanks for sharing here as well.
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