OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

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OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by mvr1918 »

I really hope you get happy with this latest update of OC4BA_XP_v1.2. I have put a lot of time and efforts into this update: Doing development
in the XPLANE environment is cumbersome and time consuming. Due to that the x737 did not get any facelift. Maybe later, I really do not know if OC4BA_XP will ever support more Opencockpits modules for the x737. Time will tell.

Main point in this release:
The Laminar B737-800 ( + Zibo mod.) users can now use Opencockpits modules like MCP, EFIS1, EFIS2, COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 and ATC.
Some bugs in the B733 IXEG plugin has been corrected.

All 3 planes are all supported in the same OC4BA app.

Please read this info carefully in order to have a painless and good working installation.

OC4BA_XPv1.2 supports Opencockpits MCP v2/v3, EFIS1, COM1, NAV1, ADF and ATC for the IXEG B737-300 aircraft.
OC4BA_XPv1.2 supports Opencockpits MCP v2/v3, EFIS1, EFIS2, COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2 and ATC for the Laminar 738 / Zibo mod aircraft.
Only Opencockpits MCP2/3 is supported for the EADT x737 aircraft. Not decided if this plane will be supported with more hardware.

You MUST have SIOC v5.1B2, X-Plane 11 and any of the supported B737 plane installed on your Windows PC.
I recommend that you NOT have X-Plane 11 and SIOC installed in the Windows Program Files(86) folder.

The SIOC folder and X-Plane 11 folder can be installed anywhere, but need to under same main folder
if the plugin are to start up the OC4BA_XP.exe in your SIOC folder.

If they are not under same main folder, you just start OC4BA_XP.exe from the SIOC folder after you have started up the
plugin from within X-Plane. You must also manually copy the content of the modified (see below) XPLANE.ini to the SIOC.ini file

Example of folder structure: C:\FlightSim\X-Plane 11 and C:\FlightSim\SIOC Here X-Plane 11 and SIOC are under same main folder.

1. Unzip OC4BA_XP_v1.2.zip to your SIOC folder.
- These files should now be in your SIOC folder: OC4BA_XP.exe, OC4BA.dll, OCP4B737_XP_733.ssi, OCP4B737_XP_738.ssi, XPLANE.ini,
and this MUST READ file.
- 1 new folder "OC4BA_XP" should be created to your SIOC folder after the unzip of OC4BA_XP_v1.2.zip file.

2. Move the "OC4BA_XP" folder that was created in the SIOC folder to your XPlane 11\Resources\plugin folder.

Last , but VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

3. Edit XPLANE.ini file with Notepad and modify the last digits for the Opencockpits modules you have connected to your PC.
The last digits you should modify to can be seen if you run SIOC.exe and look into the device window of SIOC.

[X-PLANE 11]
MASTER=15,15,1,xx // MCPv3, if you have MCPv2 modify to MASTER=15,5,1,xx
MASTER=7,7,1,xx // EFIS1
MASTER=8,8,1,xx // COM1
MASTER=18,8,1,xx // COM2
MASTER=9,9,1,xx // NAV1
MASTER=19,9,1,xx // NAV2
MASTER=10,10,1,xx // ATC
MASTER=11,11,1,xx // ADF

Hardware not in use can be deleted form the file.

Modify xx, correct numbers for your hardware can be found in SIOC device window

Save after editing.

How to use OC4BA_XP and fly with your Opencockpits MCP module
1. Start X-Plane 11 and select a B737 plane to fly.

2. Still valid for the IXEG : Once your plane has loaded, make sure your Opencockpits MCP's AT_ARM,
and DISENGAGE switches are in same positions as the switches in the virtual MCP.
3. Now hit SHIFT_CTRL_O on you keyboard to activate the OC4BA_XP plugin.
4. If SIOC and X-Plane folders are not parallel to each other >>> Run OC4BA_XP.exe from SIOC folder after
you have started the OC4BA_XP plugin with SHIFT_Ctrl_O.

Known issues in OC4BA_XP version 1.2

1. Valid for IXEG: Syncing of MCP module display CRS, IAS/MACH, HDG, ALT and VS are not fully working when dials are moved
in the virtual cockpit.
2. Valid for IXEG: Syncing of the Opencockpits AT_ARM, FDs and DISENGAGE switches with the virtual MCP.
Make sure you start with MCP switches in the same position as in your virtual MCP setup.
3. Syncing of the Opencockpits ADF and ATC switches with the virtual modules.

Will be corrected together with bugs found with this release

Some IMPORTANT issues to know about

EFIS Mode switch now OK. But, as switch in PLANE has 5 detents, the FULL VOR/ILS setting is done with Vor2/ADF switch in UP position

Switching of MINS(Radio-Baro) and BARO(IN-HPA) positions are done with loooong pushes.
Sort pushes for normal functions, RST and STD.
Settings CTR and TFC are done with loooong pushes of WPT and Data.
Short pushes for normal function, WPT and Data.

SPD_INTV, ALT_INTV and BANK + Indication of Over and Under Speed symbols in IAS IAS/MACH window.
are not implemented yet. ( Will be available in 2 weeks)

Report any issues you find with this version.
Also spread the word about this plugin to other flightsimmers and forums. If I get enough support I will continue the work.

Happy flying

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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by beaber »

First of all THX for the update Roar.

The EFIS Mode switch works fine for me now in the IXEG 733.
I followed your install instructions, but in the sioc.ini I also had to edit the CONFIG_FILE entry from "OCP4B737_XP.ssi" to "OCP4B737_XP_733.ssi" to get it working. Is this correct?

On my first short test flight I noticed that the MCP main AP DISENGAGE switch didn´t work in the IXEG.

I will spread the word about your plugin to other flightsimmers and forums, because it`s so easy to use! :D

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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by mvr1918 »

I followed your install instructions, but in the sioc.ini I also had to edit the CONFIG_FILE entry from "OCP4B737_XP.ssi" to "OCP4B737_XP_733.ssi" to get it working. Is this correct?
You are correct. I need to update my installation description.

This is handled fully automatically if you have SIOC and XPLANE folder in parallell under the same main folder.
Switching between airplanes and correct script would then be no problem.
On my first short test flight I noticed that the MCP main AP DISENGAGE switch didn´t work in the IXEG.
I put this on my fix list.
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by carlosco »


Firts of all thanks for the program but I think there is a bug with the range selector of the EFIS. It does not work with the 738 Zibo.


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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by mvr1918 »

...but I think there is a bug with the range selector of the EFIS. It does not work with the 738 Zibo
Could you tell me what you believe is wrong. I just tested in my cockpit and it works just fine here.
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by carlosco »

You're right. The reason is that it was using a beta version of zibo 738. With the version 3.o6P everything works correctly

Thank you
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by mvr1918 »

You're right. The reason is that it was using a beta version of zibo 738. With the version 3.o6P everything works correctly
Cmte. Pena
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by Cmte. Pena »


Do you think to make the MIP script? (buttons, annunciators, etc.)

I have a MIP with all electronics, including flaps motorized, so, all the electronics.
Cmte. Pena
Keep flying.
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by mvr1918 »

The plan is to do the FMC and then the MIP. Probably sometime later this year , but no promise.
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Re: OC4BA_XP v1.2 is released

Post by beaber »

Hi Roar,
use your OC4BA_XP with Opencockpits MCP v3 and EFIS1. Due to stability reasons with the IXEG and ZIBO mod with other plugins I switched to x737 EDAT and it works flawlessly.
Are there any chances to see EFIS1 support for the x737EDAT?That would be great!
I´ve collected some datarefs for the EFIS so far (see attachment).
Best regards

datarefs for EEFIS x737EDAT.zip
datarefs for EEFIS x737EDAT
(28.79 KiB) Downloaded 378 times
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