Airbus version stopped working[SOLVED]

Forum for the OCP4ABX driver that controls the Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321
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Airbus version stopped working[SOLVED]

Post by drayton_k »

I have just tried flying with the Airbus and for some reason the MCP, EFIS and Com have stopped communicating with the sim. I only see 999 in the MACH and zeros in all the other screens. If I adjust the altitude etc on the MCP the numbers do change but not in the sim. I have tried uninstalling the airbus modules from the sioc folder and putting them back in, tried editing the FSUIPC.INI file again but still the same.
I have noticed that when I pick the Config for the Aerosoft Airbus I just see MASTER,15,5,1,51 in the active cockpit field, is this correct?

By the way the 777 and 737 are working fine so its not a problem with my computer seeing the MCP etc.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Airbus version stopped working

Post by mvr1918 »


You should have a this in the ssi.ini and AEROSOFT AIRBUS.ini file after running OC4BAv4/Config
MASTER = 15,5,1,51

How to install:
1) Unzip driver file OCP4ABX.exe, document files and script file OCP4ABX_v1.1.ssi to SIOC folder
2) Unzip the 3 lua files to MODULES folder in your FSX/FSX-SE/P3D main folder.

Go to FSX/FSX-SE/P3D/MODULES folder and open FSUIPC.ini file

paste in the text:

---from the line below this line--

[Auto.Airbus x]
1=lua ocp4abx_m_v1.1
2=lua ocp4abx_mc_v1.1
3=lua ocp4abx_e_v1.1

[Profile.Airbus x]
1=Airbus A3

-- including the line above this line--

Also chech that you have the line


3) Save FSUIPC.ini

How to configure:

1) Open OC4BA v3 from SIOC folder

2) Go to OC4BAConfig by clciking the Tool symbol

- Select AEROSOFT AIRBUS as Cockpit, then select ocp4abx_v1.1 as script
- the P&P MCP, EFIS, FMC should pop up ( if these are the modules you have)
Posts: 45
Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2014 10:18 pm

Re: Airbus version stopped working

Post by drayton_k »

Thanks Roar,
I had some entries in the INI files under the MASTER entry. I deleted these and now all is fine.
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Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:35 pm

Re: Airbus version stopped working[SOLVED]

Post by mvr1918 »

This topic is marked as SOLVED
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