OpenCockpits hardware SALE

Forum for the OC4BA v2/v3 and OC4BAConfig including the OCP4NGX driver
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OpenCockpits hardware SALE

Post by mvr1918 »

OC sale.jpg
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As I have many surplus components that are just laying and collecting dust after I have now more or less finished my cockpit building.

I do have some Opencockpits hardware for sale.

They are all fully functioning and are comparable with new ones.

I sell these surplus compontents as a whole.

New price is 265 Euro + Tax + Shipping from Opencockpits.

I sell them for just 100 Euro + Shipping.

Items included:

4 x 12 positions rotary switch. OC Item 4TS1

4 x Grey knob that can be used with encoders, potentiometers or rotary switches. OC Item 4TB1

4 x Displays II Card. OC Item 2T2

4 x 7 seg. digits assembled (3 units) Colour : Amber

4 x 7 seg. digits assembled (5 units) Colour : Amber

2 x 7 seg. digits assembled (6 units) Colour : Amber
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