
Forum for the OCP4ABX driver that controls the Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321
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Mark P
Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:21 pm


Post by Mark P »

Hi Roar mate I have bought the driver for the airbus .
When I start fsx pick the airbus a320 let it load at the airport DEP.
Then go to the menue hit addon OCP4V3 start the prog pick the as airbus x then the script
At that point the mcp has already lit up but no atc module led on yet only the mcp all oooooo digits on all lights.
II then mimuise them to task bar ,Roar I can turn all the knobs on the mcp and it works but not showing on the 3d cockpit in the airbus.
Atc mod not working and effis not working
just to make sure that I had not corrupted the soic I made sure the the ngx and the 777 worked and they worked perfect.
Mate also when I start the prog in fsx which of the pop up windows can I cancel and which ones do I have to send to the task bar.
Roar I have teamviewer installed if that would be easier to solve
Have a great day
Cheers Mark P
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Re: Airbus

Post by mvr1918 »


Just to clarify.

ATC and COM is not implemented in this release. It is only MCP,EFIS and FMC/CDU as stated on the web site.

Please read the MUST READ file regarding installation. Follow it strictly!!!.
Once installed and configured you can forget it.

To fly, you just select Airbus and click cockpit window in OC4BA after or before you have selected the Airbus in FSX.

If you have further problems send me the fsuipc.ini text file and a list of files in sioc together with sioc.ini file text.
Mark P
Posts: 11
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:21 pm

Re: Airbus

Post by Mark P »

Roar thanks for the quick reply mate I think I have got it working did a reboot and took out ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring.
Don't know if that did it might put it back in and see if it still works
cheers Mark p
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