V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by drayton_k »

Hi I have just purchased the 777x software and I am having problems with the following:-

1. V/S is not in sync with the aircraft, although it does work the display blanks out on the Opencockpits MCP and I cant see what the setting is unless I check the cockpit MIP
2. How do I command Heading Select, if I press the HDG SEL button the aircraft does not turn. I have to use the mouse to click on the MIP SEL button.

Many thanks and thank you for this software

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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by mvr1918 »

1. V/S is not in sync with the aircraft, although it does work the display blanks out on the Opencockpits MCP and I cant see what the setting is unless I check the cockpit MIP
Do you mean that the rotarty function works , but that the window is always blank?
2. How do I command Heading Select, if I press the HDG SEL button the aircraft does not turn. I have to use the mouse to click on the MIP SEL button.
This is from the MUST READ.txt:

When using B737 MCP with B777 there are some differences no notice:

a) Switching B737 MCP A/T Arm will switch both B777 A/T Arm_L and A/T Arm_R
b) CRS_L and CRS_R on B737 MCP is not in use
c) B737 MCP N1 acts as CLB CON
d) B737 MCP SPEED acts as A/T
e) B737 MCP C/O acts as IAS/MACH
f) B737 SPD INTV acts as IAS_SEL PUSH
g) B737 MCP LVL CHG acts as FLCH
f) B737 MCP HDG_SEL rotary double click in, activate Banking SW
g) B737 MCP HDG_SEL Push acts as HDG_SEL
h) B737 MCP HDG_SEL SW acts as HDG HOLD
i) FPA not implemented
j) B737 MCP CMD_A/B act as AP_L and AP_R
k) B737 MCP CWS_A acts as ALT INCR SW
l) B737 MCP CWS_B acts as HDG / TRK SW

SO, in order to have the aircraft to follow the heading window you must push the HDG knob on the OC MCP, which emulates the T7's HDG SEL(g)

I now see that the g) above should be reading:
g) B737 MCP HDG_Rotary Knob Push acts as HDG_SEL. ( for MCP v3 )

Do you have the MCP v2? Maybe you don't have the MCP Rotary Push function in that hardware version.

I forgot the MCPv2's lack of push function when I did the script. I will make it available in the first update of the script.
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by drayton_k »

Thanks for your help. Yes I do have the V2 MCP. With regards to the V/S, yes it does work but when dialling in a new v/s whether it be up or down, the sim changes but the display on the MCP does not change and blanks out.
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by drayton_k »

[quote=I forgot the MCPv2's lack of push function when I did the script. I will make it available in the first update of the script.[/quote]

Any news on a new script yet Roar for the MCP V2?
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by mvr1918 »

Any news on a new script yet Roar for the MCP V2?
An update will later today :D
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by drayton_k »


Even with the latest updates installed I still do not get the V/S display correctly on the MCP. It works for a second then stops working. In the SIM its working.
Have you any ideas what may be causing this issue?

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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by mvr1918 »

drayton_k wrote:Roar,

Even with the latest updates installed I still do not get the V/S display correctly on the MCP. It works for a second then stops working. In the SIM its working.
Have you any ideas what may be causing this issue?

Before I start looking into this issue, tell me if VS and everything else in OCP4NGX ( driver for B737) is working OK.
Also tell me which driver version you are running, both for B737 and B777.
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by drayton_k »

Everything is working fine apart from the V/S.

I select V/S on MCP and dial in say +2000 fpm using the V/S dial. In the sim the 2000 will show but then if i alter the dial at all to say 2200 fpm it still shows 2000 on the MCP but the sim WILL show the changes.

I am using the 777 only, I dont own the PMDG 737, and the software is OC4BA v3 141016, and OCP4777X_141015
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by mvr1918 »


I have looked into the codeslines of OCP4777X.exe and OCP4777X_V1.3.ss, but can't find any reason why only the VS should have some issues and not the other displays. They all have the same basic code structure.

Go to SIOC.exe window and initiate IOCPConsole and set LOG ON , then
check SIOC Variables 1373 ( this holds the VS from PMDG 777X and then the the script pushes it to the HW VS display). See also the Youtube video here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7N7g5aL ... e=youtu.be

Check also if the Var 1375 ( VS Blanking) is the root to the problem. If this Var goes to 1 the VS display will be blanked.

You can also write into 1373 and see if the the number is displayed in the HW display.

Is this issue happening both in flight and at the ground?

You are using OCP4777X.exe version 2.1.0 and OCP4777X_V1.3.ssi?
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP

Post by drayton_k »

Hi Roar,

I have tried as you suggest.

This happens on the ground as well as in the air by the way.

When running IOCP Console the DEC Value for 1373 shows the correct setting that I dial in.

I have tested again tonight and I have noticed that if I change the VS dial back to zero, the display on the MCP changes to zero. If I then dial in a minus number say -1500 it starts to enter it and gets to -100 and then freezes. The same if I move the dial back to zero and then make a + change on the VS dial, it starts and gets to +100 feet and then stops there. However, if I change the dial to -1000 feet the change DOES show in the MCP, the same at -2000, -3000 etc. If I change to +1000, +2000 it DOES show in the MCP. It does not see anything in between the thousands.
1375 does not change from value 0
If I send a value to 1373 it does not change at al, either in IOCP Comsole or the MCP.

Versions are correct

Any help is much appreciated.

Many thanks
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