Hi. Someone use RKsoftware OI4FS of the flight4sim web?
I need to know if you know how to do It, how to change the script lines in order to blue leds light on.
In the original script the Orange leds works properly but the blue leds in the script don't have output lines.
As you can see in the lines from 1147 to 1157 there is no outputs and then I can not programm the leds.
How can I rewrite these lines to get the blue leds light on?
I send you a photo to see what I mean. Regards.
Programm blue leds overhead
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2025 11:00 am
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
I can not send a photo.
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
Hi. I am going to put here the lines I referring for.
A normal output is:
VAR0049, name atrans_bus_linkIocard_out, deice 30, output 11
A blue led output is:
var 1073, name axfeed_va_o_static, link iocard_display. device 30, digit 36, numbers 1
How can I assign an LED to the outputs that do not have output written?
A normal output is:
VAR0049, name atrans_bus_linkIocard_out, deice 30, output 11
A blue led output is:
var 1073, name axfeed_va_o_static, link iocard_display. device 30, digit 36, numbers 1
How can I assign an LED to the outputs that do not have output written?
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
Hi abd thanks. I have a doubt. I change the lines but I need a output to light on the leds? In the output iocards what output I choose? Regards.
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
How can anyone but you know which output number to use????????????????
You use the output number that you have connected to the led.
You shoould study and read information about the SIOC and also read the Oi4FS documentation.
You use the output number that you have connected to the led.
You shoould study and read information about the SIOC and also read the Oi4FS documentation.
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
Hi. I mean I don't see any output in the script. I know what is the output but I don't see in the script the Word 'output' . Thats my doubt. Thanks
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
Hi. My knowledge of SIOC is zero. Thank you very much for your attention. I will look for help on another site.
Re: Programm blue leds overhead
I'll try to explain myself better. Normally, in the non-blue LEDs in the scripts, the instructions for the LED to turn on are output and a number. But in the blue LEDs there is no instruction that says output. So, my question is: in order for me to tell that LED to light up, I must give it an output number. But I notice in the scripts here that there is neither the word output nor an output number. So, how do I tell that blue LED, which I know is output 13 on the master card output, for example, that it should light up? I hope I have explained myself better. Regards.