New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

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New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by ZillaUK »

Hi Roar,

Having issues with installing the new Oi4FS24 you sent through yesterday for MSFS2024.

Seems to crash when clicking on Configure when it launches SIOC.

I think I've followed the installation instructions to the letter:
  • Uninstalled SIOC and made sure old SIOC directory (including old Oi4FS) was deleted
  • Clean install of SOIC v7.03B2 using the file included in your ZIP
  • Only change to the default soic.ini file was to add the masters for my 5 devices
  • Ran Oi4FS24 Setup.exe as Administrator and installed to C:\Flightsim\SIOC\Oi4FS
Only issue with the installer was at the end when came to installing the bridge to community folder - came up with an error saying "Source Directory not found - seems the bridge directories have changed name maybe? Not an issue as I run SOIC and Oi4FS on a network machine - so I manually copied the two WASM plugin directories from the Oi4FS directory to the MSFS2024 community folder (rksoftware-oi4fsfbwa320 & rksoftware-oi4fsp82)

Error Message Screenshot: ... y7osy&dl=0

So, after installation, run Oi4FS24 (as administrator) from the desktop shortcut created - click on Configure - it launches SIOC and then Oi4FS24 seems to crash and disappear.

See the below video for to see it in real time: ... lpf0w&dl=0

Disabled Firewall and antivirus - but still the same.

Also copied the files from the second zip you sent - the MS2024 update to the Oi4FS24 directory - but same behaviour.

Any ideas? Am I doing something stupid?


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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by mvr1918 »

Thanks for the detailed error report.

You said:

Only change to the default soic.ini file was to add the masters for my 5 devices
Ran Oi4FS24 Setup.exe as Administrator and installed to C:\Flightsim\SIOC\Oi4FS

Not sure why you did 1. step above as running Oi4FS24 Setup will overrun the SIOC.ini you just modified with the default SIOC.ini that came with Oi4FS24.

If you have only MSFS2024 and not also MSFS2020 installed the installation of the rksoftware folders/files to the Community will give an error message.
That will be corrected together with a new function to copy the rksoftware folders/files to MSFS2024 Community folder. In the meantime you have to do that manually. It should be 3 rksoftware folders in total.

I suggest that you run Oi4FS24 Setup + unzip new updated Oi4FS files to Oi4FS directory and then start Oi4FS and clcik Configure.

The issue could also be that you have some issues related to that run SIOC and Oi4FS on a network machine. Not sure I understand your PC configuration.
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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by ZillaUK »

Thanks for the pointer - figured out what is causing it to crash - it's the IOCard-RadioAirbus module. If I add via the configure in Oi4FS24 then it crashes and if I add in manually the following line into the ini - then that crashes it also.

Code: Select all

[Radio Airbus]
That's a problem for another day - I had it working with the old Oi4FS but can exclude it for now!

I have both MSFS2024 and MSFS2020 installed - and have manually copied over two folders - you say there should be three? Which is the 3rd? See the screenshot below - I only see rksoftware-oi4fsfbwa320 & rksoftware-oi4fsp82 which are the ones I've manually copied to the Community folder. ... 9tck7&dl=0

My Setup
My setup has all the hardware running on a separate PC to the MSFS PC. So Oi4FS + SIOC are running on that PC, and this communicates with the MSFS PC using WideClient and a SimConnect.cfg file that specifies the IP address of the MSFS PC. This is the same setup I've always used with Oi4FS over the years and has worked fine.

I've never used Oi4FS to select the aircraft and overwrite the sioc.ini to load the correct script, because none of the plane icons enable to click, presumably because it's on a separate PC to MSFS.

I've always manually loaded the correct script and setup the Masters for all devices in sioc.ini - and then loaded the specific driver for the plane I'm flying - for example OiMS.exe for default G1000, OiMSCJ4.exe for the CJ4 etc.

However, getting an error doing that now...

For example for MS Default planes - with just the MCP connected to test:


Code: Select all

[MS Default]
Then I run OiMS.exe from C:\Flightsim\SIOC\Oi4FS but get an application error as follows: ... fodzl&dl=0

Get the same error message for all drivers.

Appreciate any ideas you may have.


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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by mvr1918 »

In the latest Oi4FS24 loading and starting of the correct driver is done automatically depending on which airplane is running in MSFS and you are in cockpit view(not external view).

In Oi4FS24 Setup file there are 3 rksoftware folders that should be installed to Oi4FS directory if you installed the Oi4FS24.


Re-download Oi4FS24 for MS2024, MSFS2020 and you got in the email from yesterday and unzip to Oi4FS directory. Then run Oi4FS_ini from Oi4FS directory and install rksoftware folders to all MSFS Community directories.
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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by ZillaUK »

OK - thanks for your help.

I redownloaded the ZIP files again, and reinstalled from scratch again - then copied the update files into the directory. This time I had the additional rksoftware-oi4fs_bridge so I copied all 3 WASM folders over to the community directory for both MSFS2024 and 2020.

Checked sioc.ini had the entries for MS Default planes:

Code: Select all

[MS Default]
Ran MSFS 2024 and load into the cockpit of a C172 on the runway

Both Wideclient (on Networked PC) and FSUIPC(WideServer) (on MSFS PC) show connected to the simulator and each other.

Ran Oi4FS24 but all the pictures are still greyed out - I click Fly anyhow, and nothing happens.

If I run SIOC manually - it shows as connected to the simulator, and shows the FSUIPC version connected to and the script loaded succesfully.

And if I try and run the Driver manually OiMS.exe - I just get the application error like I posted a picture of earlier.

Its a shame it won't let me run the drivers exe's manually after loading the correct scripts and devices in SIOC manually. This worked well for years, but no longer seems an option, and the main Oi4FS24 program won't recognise being loaded in the cockpit and automatically start the drivers/scripts. So not sure of what else I can try.
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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by mvr1918 »

The following should work if you want to start drivers manually:

Run Oi4FS/Configuration and
Made a correct configuration file for the an MS Defaullt airplane ( i.e C172).
Close Oi4FS.exe

The steps above are done ONCE.

Start MSFS and load a C172 airplane

Copy the text in MS Default.ini in Oi4FS to SIOC's sioc.ini.
Copy OiMS.exe and OiMS.bmp from Oi4FS to SIOC.
Run SIOC.exe
Run OiMS.exe

The last 4 steps are what Oi4FS is doing automatically when a default airplane is running in cockpit view in MSFS.
Do not run Oi4FS.exe, then you will get the error you describe.
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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by ZillaUK »

OK thanks.

I’ve been out for most of today, but will try this later when i get back in. Sounds hopeful as i’ve just been running OiMS.exe from the subdirectory rather than the top level SIOC directory. Hopefully it’s that simple.
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Re: New Oi4FS24 Crashes when clicking Configure

Post by ZillaUK »

It works. Thanks.

The key was moving the OiMS.exe and .bmp to the top level SIOC folder, rather than I was just running it in place in the Oi4FS subdirectory. (guess I never used to have that issue, as all the files were located in the top level directory in old install)

Just done a quick test and the Driver loaded and MCP flew the C172 around fine. Will try the other drivers like the CJ4 and the other modules when I have a bit more time over the weekend.

So it seems in my networked setup, just can't use Oi4FS to auto load and run the drivers based on the aircraft I'm in, but if I set the sioc.ini file up and run the driver manually then the driver interfaces with MSFS via Wideclient just fine.

Thats fine and is the way I'm used to doing it, and will probably make some minor changes anyhow to the scripts to get the Radio Multi-panel working across NAV/COM/ADF etc.

Thanks for the help and pointers Roar - will be sending over a donation this evening for your hard work updating the driver for MSFS2024. As always it's much appreciated.
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