When I close (shut-down) simulator Oi4FS24 nicely closes too but OC modules (hardware) are still ON, at least displays and LEDs are still brightly shining .
Is there a software routine in the driver which could turn-off modules completely? ... cold 7 Dark
Have fun,
With my OC configuration (1x NAV, 1x COM, 1x EFIS, 1x MCP, 1x USB expansion for FWD OVH) I sometimes have the same behavior as Mladen. But in most cases the displays and LEDs are turned off on hardware modules when MSFS closes.
I tried to find out when the displays stayed on after closing MSFS but couldn't reproduce.
1) Today I started the Sim and Oi4FS24 but didn't touch any OC hardware. Initial reading was fine , all displays showed numbers as they should. After closing MSFS all active displays and LEDs on OC hardware stayed on.
2) Then I repeated the try but turned some knobs on the OC hardware after Oi4FS24 and SIOC has started. After closing MSFS displays and LEDs turned off as they should
3) Then I repeated exactly the first try and this time displays turned off after closing MSFS
my configuration is all OC modules connected via an external hub instead of USB expansion.
They always keep active (except the displays) as I have to power them on/off with a connector switch board.