Module USB port change

The forum for all issues related to the new OC4BAv5 and the new OCP4NGXu driver for PMDG B737NGXu.
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Module USB port change

Post by escasoni.1 »

I’ve just had a rather curious problem in that my SIOC connection failed whenever I touched certain MCP switches, with the following failure message being displayed:

Connection to SIOC failure error 10053

The fault was traced (hopefully) to a to a USB hub input for the EFIS, the connection indicator light on the hub blinking regularly.
A replacement hub has been fitted, but now when connecting SIOC to the P3D simulator, no speed, heading or altitude indicators are showing any values indicating no connection at all.
I remember being told by Roar in the past not to change module USB ports, and this could well be the issue. SIOC has picked up that the MCP and EFIS ports have changed even although the hub USB input port to the PC is the same, which I find a little strange.

I would be grateful for any information regarding what needs to be done to re-establish connection to the sim now that my module USB port inputs have changed.

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Re: Module USB port change

Post by mvr1918 »

Make new configuraion for your airplane in OC4BAv5. Reas documentation on how to do this.
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