Can I Do This

This is the forum for any issues regarding the FStarter app for MSFS
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Can I Do This

Post by opcartmell »

I like to fly the FBW A320. If one wants to practice arrivals and approaches you have to fly the flight from departure to destination. But I often mess up the landing sequence and have to start over. Is there a way, using FStarter, to begin at the entry to the STAR and fly the arrival and approach using the waypoints, speeds and altitudes set in the FBW flight flight plan?
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Re: Can I Do This

Post by mvr1918 »

FStarter v2.9.0 can not set flightplan data to any airplane CDUs. This to be done manually.

Maybe in a future v3 release of FStarter.

What you can try to do is (no guaranty that is will work):

1. Set up your airplane in stable flight approach situation at any location in MSFS's World map

2. In FStarter save the flight after CDU has been programmed with STAR data using the MSFS flights function

3. The saved MSFS flight can be loaded from the FStarter OSM map for later usage.

4. Make a POI at the STAR fix using LNM. In FStarter Teleporting section set correct Alt,Hdg,Spd as STAR data indicates.

To use this config:

Load MSFS flight that has been saved and click the POI marker in the OSM map

NB. Save the POI to either POI list 1 or 2. There is a bug when using the POI markers from POI list 3 and 4 in OSM.
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Joined: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:00 pm

Re: Can I Do This

Post by opcartmell »

Thank you for the reply. I have sent an email requesting a link to version 2.9.
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