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Vref knob
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:28 pm
by Blinn
I notice that the little knob on SPD REF doenst work.
Its recognized by sioc (input 52 53) but the input doesnt make any change on data on pfd.
Any idea?
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:45 pm
by mvr1918
I belive that neither the SPD REF rotary or N1 SET rotary are implemented in the script. I do not remember if they were implemented in the PMDG 737 NGXu and that is the reason they have been left out.
Here are the EVENT numbers to use
Var 2562, name N1SETENC_I
Var 2564, name SPD_ENC_I
turning right should be sending 16384 followed with 2000
turning left should be sending 8192 followed with 2000
The script code can be written more or less in the same way as any of the other Rotary script lines
I do not have time to make this at the moment.
If you implement this is the script code, it would be nice if you share your code here
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 9:51 pm
by mvr1918
Try this script code for the SPEED_REF. Can also be use for the N1SEL knob, with minor changes to names and Var numbers
Var 2564, name SPEED_REF, static
Var 6104, name rSPEED Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 52 Aceleration 3, Type 2
&SPEED_REF = 16384
&SPEED_REF = 8192
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:05 am
by Blinn
Thank you Roar
i'll test asap!
Probably also for N1 Set miss the same setting
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:10 am
by Blinn
Not sure that works
i'm sorry but i'm noobie on sioc and code

Re: Vref knob
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:42 am
by mvr1918
I see a space before the SPEED_REF var name. delete space in all lines.
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:03 am
by Blinn
i think that i have solve!
i'm learning
thanks for help!
Var 2564, name SPEED_REF, static
Var 6104, name rSPEED Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 52 Aceleration 3, Type 2
IF &rSPEED < 0
&SPEED_REF = 16384
&SPEED_REF = 8192
Var 2562 name N1SET_REF, static
Var 6105, name rN1SET Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 31, Input 40 Aceleration 3, Type 2
&N1SET_REF = 0
IF &rN1SET < 0
&N1SET_REF = 16384
&N1SET_REF = 8192
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:14 am
by mvr1918
Thanks for reporting and help me fix this.
I will add these script lines to an updated PMDG B737 v6.5.ssi and PMDG B737 v6.5P.ssi
Re: Vref knob
Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 6:29 pm
by James Curry
Thanks for finally sorting this out. Its one part of SIOC that had baffled and defeated me for a while. I'd been using the input via mobiflight for these two functions but will now ditch that since its been coded.
Well done!