Scrip editing corrupted when tried to save as

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Scrip editing corrupted when tried to save as

Post by veefe »

Hello Roar,
Hope you doing well.

I have one custom OVH-FWD so I needed to edit the scrip for P3Dv5 and now I am flying MSFS2020 and need to modify again. I bought the Oi4FS and the 737 driver and when I try to edit the script some strange things happen:

1. When I filter for OVH-FWD and Outputs I dont have, or could not find, some old variables (like used to have in the P3D script) like:
and others...

2. When I customize, for example, the outputs and "save as" or change to inputs, displays or servos or just deselect the outputs option, I lost all the modifications did I made.
3. If I "save as" with any options (inputs, outputs, displays or servos) selected, the script just save the option I marked. For example, if I modify the inputs and save as, the new file only save the inputs variables and I lost the outputs, displays and servos.

With all these "bugs" combined, I cant modify the script via Oi4FS.

Other thing I noticed:
the last var in the inputs, outputs and Displays options, when clicked to edit, the edit box is not displayed (or is displayed outside box limits) no matters the window size.

Hope you can help me.
thanks in advantage.
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Re: Scrip editing corrupted when tried to save as

Post by mvr1918 »

When I filter for OVH-FWD and Outputs
In the script and also in the OVH hardware some outputs are actually controlled by the display card.
The outputs you are looking for are actually display outputs in the script. If you set filter as Displays you will find them.

The other issues you have when you modified the script when a filter is used are cleary bugs in the code.

I will look into this and release a new version.

In the meantime I suggest you do modifications only on the complete script output and not when a filter is in use.
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Re: Scrip editing corrupted when tried to save as

Post by veefe »

Thanks for the reply.
I do not checked if the variables I was looking for are in the Display section probbably I did this in the P3D version and do not remember. What I did for now is use the old script I used to use in P3D and all things worked as expected. I will use this script till next version. I wanted to build a new script but since the old script works I will do this in another time.

any ways, thank you for helping.
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Re: Scrip editing corrupted when tried to save as

Post by mvr1918 »

Yes, the old script should work OK as long as you rename it properly to be recognized byt the Oi4FS start up methods.
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