Oi4FS v6 is the latest version of Oi4FS

This is the forum to discuss and ask questions related to the new Oi4FS app for MSFS 2020
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Oi4FS v6 is the latest version of Oi4FS

Post by mvr1918 »

Oi4FS v6 is now released and on sale from the http://www.flightsim4fun.com/shop.html

What is new in this version?

- Bug fixes to drivers
- Added free drivers for the Aerosoft CRJ and the Leonardo MD82 airplanes
- Improved the SCRIPT page for more easily script editing.
- Oi4FS can now be loaded before or after MSFS or P3D are started and will automatically start correct driver depending on which airplane is running.

Should users with older version of Oi4FS update?
If you are happy with Oi4FS release you have and everything is working OK, there is no need to update.

How do you upgrade the Oi4FS v6 and add-on drivers you already have?
If you bought Oi4FS from www.simmarket.com.
Download Oi4FS v6 from you account at www.simmarket.com

If you bought Oi4FS from rksoftwre www.flightsim4fun.com.
Send a request to roarkrsp@gmail.com with a list of the products you already have and that you want to upgrade at no cost.
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