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Added PMDG 737 driver script with improved OVH gauge output

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:39 am
by mvr1918
Users with an Opencockpits OVH-FWD panel should use one of these new improved script for better and more accurate gauge output,

Oi4FS-PM B737 v5.1.ssi if for users with USB connected radios

Oi4FS-PM B737 v5.1P.ssi if for users with IDC connected radios

Users with an OVH-FWD that uses the 2 Servo cards with 12 must modify the script

How to modify

Open the script to be modied in OI4FS's Script page and first decompile the ssi file and save it with the same name, but as an txt file
Then load the txt file you just created and filter so you only have the Servo part of the script visible for easy editing.
Screenshot 2022-07-12 102827.png
Screenshot 2022-07-12 102827.png (96.65 KiB) Viewed 2199 times
Change the Servo connection as shown here:

ENG2 from 37,11 to 38,5
CabTemp from 37,7 to 38,1
PressL from 37,9 to 38,3
PressR from 37,8 to 38,2
and OutFlow from 37,10 to 38,4

To edit the script you double click on a line and change the number to be changed and then save it.

If you have changed the name of the newly modified script, you must also change the configuration so this new script is used.

Use the same name syntax "Oi4FS-PM B737" and just rename the version number or just overide it.