Help needed with self build modules

The forum for all issues related to the new OC4BAv5 and the new OCP4NGXu driver for PMDG B737NGXu.
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Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

Hello all, first of all, I want to send my best wishes to everyone in this new year. Second, this is a very nice product! Just whant to thanks. Third, Sorry for my bad english, hope you guys can help me...

Now, lets talk about my strugle to make my self made Overhead works right...

1. Odd behavior when I push the R Probe Heat switche
When I push the R probe heat sw, various other sw take actions. this only happens when I am using OC4BA driver. (tested with SIOC monitor and P3D running PMDG NGXu and OC4BA NGXU driver. When I push this switch I can see others switches taking action in the SIOC Monitor. When I close P3D and test this switch only with SIOC monitor oppened no others switches take actions.) Because that, I think is something wrong with the script and no with the wiring or short circuits.

2. Cant make rF_Alt and rL_Alt work properly.
When a turn to increment the altitude they only change the second digits. Eg. 4000 goes to 4500 and after 4000 again. They dont increase to 5000, 5500,6000, 6500. This happen when drecreasing too (4500 goes to 4000 and then back to 4500 intead of 3500 and so).

3. Inverted Displays
My Electric display are displayed in the FLT ALT and LAND ALT displays. The eletric display state is blank.
How can I identify and change the displays in the script?

4. Servos nightmare
Cant make my servos work. I think because I built it myself, the servos orders is wrong. How can I identify wich servos is wich and adress correctly in the script?

Thanks in advantage,

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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by mvr1918 »

To solve all your problems you need to understand SIOC and modify the script to fit your specific hardware wirings.

1. Odd behavior when I push the R Probe Heat switch

There will be issues if you have not wired all inputs in your own built OVH. See
for more info.

2. Can't make rF_Alt and rL_Alt work properly.

You need to either change to script logic to fit your specific display numbering or change the wiring so the display numbers fit the script.

3. Inverted Displays

You need to figure out how you have wired up your displays and make changes to script or change the wiring to be the same as the factory built OVH.

4. Servos nightmare

Go to SIOC's SIOC Monitor and check Servo ids
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

Thx for the reply. I still having some troubles:
mvr1918 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:29 pm To solve all your problems you need to understand SIOC and modify the script to fit your specific hardware wirings.

1. Odd behavior when I push the R Probe Heat switch

There will be issues if you have not wired all inputs in your own built OVH. See
for more info.
So, to solve the problem I need to wire all the inputs? A third person did the wiring job and I just have the OVH-FWD. My electronic skills are near 0.
Can I solve this any other way?
mvr1918 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:29 pm 2. Can't make rF_Alt and rL_Alt work properly.

You need to either change to script logic to fit your specific display numbering or change the wiring so the display numbers fit the script.
Can you drop some examples how to do this in the script? Will be much appreciated. I saw almost all the videos in the website but cant figure out this part or what I need to change in the script.
By the way, the hard part of script change I did with OC4BA script Editing, but change the variables in the SIOC Script view I think is much easier to undertand for me.
mvr1918 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:29 pm 3. Inverted Displays

You need to figure out how you have wired up your displays and make changes to script or change the wiring to be the same as the factory built OVH.
So, like said, I didnt do the wiring job. I tried to figure out how the wires and Cards are wired but no success. I figured out something:
When I start the simulator the Digital AC DC panel is "powered off" but when I open the SIOC Monitor and click ALL ON, the panel is powered.
I could not identify any kind of "name" or other identification thats help me how to change the infos shown in the FLT ALT and LAND ALT to the right position at the Digital AC DC panel.
Since the best way for me is change this via script, how can I identify which panel is which?
mvr1918 wrote: Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:29 pm 4. Servos nightmare

Go to SIOC's SIOC Monitor and check Servo ids
I was able to did the job. Thanks. I just need to configure the needles to the right place but for the APU Temp and Fuel Temp, I was able to adjust and they work just perfect!
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by mvr1918 »

to find out the wiring in your modules use the SIOC monitor. there you can see which inputs are activated when you press a button. do this for all inputs and write that down and use it to modify the script. do the same for outputs
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

mvr1918 wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:23 pm to find out the wiring in your modules use the SIOC monitor. there you can see which inputs are activated when you press a button. do this for all inputs and write that down and use it to modify the script. do the same for outputs
hello MVR1918, thank you for the reply.
All good for the Displays now but I still having some issues with the F_Alt and L_Alt and two inputs in the script that I dont know where they arre located at the overhead. They are temp_rectL and temp_rectR

I'll try to reproduce the problem with the F_Alt and L_Alt encoders:

when I turn the F_alt to the right one time, it increment F_alt window in 500ft, but, when I turn right for the second time it increment the L_alt window.
When I turn the F_Alt to the left one time, it decrease F_Alt window in 500ft, but when I turn left for the second time it decrease the L_Alt window.

In the SIOC Monitor, when I turn F_Alt to the right 1 time, input 29 is activated, for the 2nd turn, input 29 stay activated and input 27 is activated. When I turn for the 3rd time, input 29 turns off and when I turn for the 4th time the input 27 turns off and the cycle starts again.

I dont have the click button for this encoder and in the script I see in the var 0105 the assign &PRESS_F_ALT_K = 0

Any help will be much appreciated.
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by mvr1918 »

temp_rectL and temp_rectR are connected to the L and R retractable switches for the landing lights.

You need to understand what the script parts for FLT ALT and LAND ALT do and make necessary modifications to fit your hardware wiring.
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

mvr1918 wrote: Wed Feb 09, 2022 4:05 pm temp_rectL and temp_rectR are connected to the L and R retractable switches for the landing lights.

You need to understand what the script parts for FLT ALT and LAND ALT do and make necessary modifications to fit your hardware wiring.
I cant figure out how to make FLT and LAND ALT work...
I don't know hot to code so understanding how the script works is very hard for me...

what's the difference from VAR &PRESS_F_ALT_K and rF_Alt?
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by mvr1918 »

As you are building your own system based on Opencockpits IOCARDS, you MUST learn SIOC and SIOC scripting, at least know how to change device and input/output numbers in the script to fit your hardware. There are many examples given in the forum and website on how to do this.

If the knob you use to change the FLT_ALT is connected to another input than 126 as used in the default script you will need to change it so it fits the input number you are using, nothing else. The PRESS_F_ALT_K variable is the variable used to send data to the airplane so the flt_alt values change.

rF_Alt is the rotary knob

Var 2700, name PRESS_F_ALT_K, static

Var 0103, name rF_Alt, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 30, Input 126, Aceleration 3, Type 2
IF &rF_Alt < 0
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 16384
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 8192
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

mvr1918 wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:52 am As you are building your own system based on Opencockpits IOCARDS, you MUST learn SIOC and SIOC scripting, at least know how to change device and input/output numbers in the script to fit your hardware. There are many examples given in the forum and website on how to do this.

If the knob you use to change the FLT_ALT is connected to another input than 126 as used in the default script you will need to change it so it fits the input number you are using, nothing else. The PRESS_F_ALT_K variable is the variable used to send data to the airplane so the flt_alt values change.

rF_Alt is the rotary knob

Var 2700, name PRESS_F_ALT_K, static

Var 0103, name rF_Alt, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 30, Input 126, Aceleration 3, Type 2
IF &rF_Alt < 0
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 16384
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 8192
Thanks for the reply, but I think maybe I am not making myself clear. Sorry for that.
I did a complete input and output mapping of my build. I know how to change the inputs/outputs via, either, SIOC and OC4BA script tool.

And with the videos, forum and your replies I am near 100% of everything configured right.

The problem I tried to explain is more complicated that only change the input number of the rotary encoder. Its seems to be the programing logic behind it. The thousands don't change, they go from e.g. 2000 to 2500 and them back to 2000 again. The same behavior occur to the L_Alt.
When I turn my encoder I have the following behavior:
1st turn to the right: input 29,
2nd turn to the right: input 27,
3rd turn to the right: both inputs (29 and 27)
4th turn to the right: i have no inputs

in my script I have:
Var 2700, name PRESS_F_ALT_K, static

Var 0105, name rF_Alt, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 30, Input 29, Aceleration 3, Type 2
IF &rF_Alt < 0
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 16384
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 8192
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Re: Help needed with self build modules

Post by veefe »

I play around with the var 0105 values and discovered something:

when IF and ELSE have the same values of 16384 the encoder works perfectly. add 500 continually each clockwise turn.
the same is for value 8192. subtract 500 continually each counter clockwise turn.

So I tried to create one var for input 29 with IF and ELSE with 16384 value to add 500 and another var for input 27 named rF_AltDec with IF and ELSE 8192 value to subtract 500. of curse did not work. LOL

I tried some other things and I reach a combination that only goes down (subtract 500 continually) when I turn clockwise or counter clockwise.

I have the following code right now:
Var 2700, name PRESS_F_ALT_K, static

Var 0665, name rF_AltDec, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 30, Input 29, Aceleration 3, Type 2
IF &rF_Alt < 0
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 16384

Var 0105, name rF_Alt, Link IOCARD_ENCODER, Device 30, Input 27, Aceleration 0, Type 2
IF &rF_Alt < 0
&PRESS_F_ALT_K = 8192
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