Opencockpits N1 set SPD ref Autobrake panel

The forum for all issues related to the new OC4BAv5 and the new OCP4NGXu driver for PMDG B737NGXu.
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James Curry
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Opencockpits N1 set SPD ref Autobrake panel

Post by James Curry »

Opencockpits N1 set SPD ref Autobrake panel

The rotary dials are detected as inputs 40 and 52 for the (inner) N1 speed set and Speed ref adjustment dials on siocmonitor but they dont actually do anything in my P3d

The outer dials (N1 set auto/both/1/2) and (spd ref auto/V1/VR/WT/VREF/SET) all work as they should

anyone know what code Im missing or how to correct it omease as i'm not very good with coding

Many Thanks
James Curry
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Re: Opencockpits N1 set SPD ref Autobrake panel

Post by mvr1918 »

Both the N1SET_Control and SPEED_REFERENCE_Control are not implemented in the default scripts that come with OC4BAv5.

Both Events are implemented in the driver code, so if you write the correct script code for it, they should both work OK, I believe.

You can test the functions by sending 1 and 0 to Variable 2562 and 2565 in IOCPConsole to test that the driver sends the values to the airplane.

If that works, you could write the script code or hope that someone already has made the script. I have no time for this now as I am not in the country where I have my cockpit setup.
James Curry
Posts: 54
Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:26 pm
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Re: Opencockpits N1 set SPD ref Autobrake panel

Post by James Curry »

Has anyone made a script for this yet please?

James :-)
James Curry
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