Main Panel DU
Re: Main Panel DU
The mismatch occur on startup and often (always) during startup from cold and dark. Have not pin-pointed excactly but will do.
Have not investigated that much, been busy fixing other things.But then I found this thread.
Will do some more checking...
Manual N1 on mip.
Have not investigated that much, been busy fixing other things.But then I found this thread.
Will do some more checking...
Manual N1 on mip.
Re: Main Panel DU
I am trying to document all my happenings so maybe it can help solve this issue
Yesterday I took a short flight. While prepping, I did a "lights test" and the issue happened.
My MIP DUs and virtual went mismatched. During lights test it felt like electrical load being drawn, like when you turn a heavy electrical load on and things go dim a bit.
Yet it did not go mismatch with APU or ENGINE BUSS changes this time.

Yesterday I took a short flight. While prepping, I did a "lights test" and the issue happened.
My MIP DUs and virtual went mismatched. During lights test it felt like electrical load being drawn, like when you turn a heavy electrical load on and things go dim a bit.

Yet it did not go mismatch with APU or ENGINE BUSS changes this time.

Re: Main Panel DU
Users that have this issue can send an email to and request a special driver that will enable an advance trace function to see what is happening.
If I get that info and good explanation of what are triggering this issue, I will try to fix it.
I need that info as I do not have either an OVH or MIP hardware up and running at the moment.
If I get that info and good explanation of what are triggering this issue, I will try to fix it.
I need that info as I do not have either an OVH or MIP hardware up and running at the moment.
Re: Main Panel DU
I have sent you the script.
What I forgot to mention is that I always load my PMDG 737 COLDNDARK!
So no power at all when loaded and the first power to the aircraft is the battery power.
I have sent you the script.
What I forgot to mention is that I always load my PMDG 737 COLDNDARK!
So no power at all when loaded and the first power to the aircraft is the battery power.
Re: Main Panel DU
Could you also try to load the airplane in ready state and then start the driver to see if the issue is also there.
Re: Main Panel DU
I am going to try and load fully powered with Battery ON and see if it happens
Then I will add the script modification you sent me and try that as well.
I hope to do that tonight and I will report back.
I am going to try and load fully powered with Battery ON and see if it happens
Then I will add the script modification you sent me and try that as well.
I hope to do that tonight and I will report back.
Re: Main Panel DU
As mentioned, I took the new script for two rides.
First ride, I had no mismatch, however the program frooze at about T/D and I thougtht I may have tampered with the my wiring so I did not make anything of it.
Second ride, I had a mismatch immediately I turned Ground Power ON BUS. I reset the mismatch and and everything went fine, no further issues.
However again the system frooze part way through descent to the runway.
Non of my MIP knobs would work, Lights that were on stayed on and even the Landing gear would not work. EFIS stopped working, CDU stopped workinig too.
This time I was not doing anything but just sitting and monitoring in Auto Pilot.
Please find attached the log file, which was large so I had to zip.
Thx, Gabe
1. Added the new script compiled and configured
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
- No DUs mismatch
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
- No DUs mismatch
4. Turned Battery Power on.
- No DUs mismatch
5. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
6. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
7. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
- No DUs mismatch (But at this point I just relised the AUTO BRAKE on the virtual cockpit is now at three even though the MIP is on OFF. I am nost sure when it may have been there but I observed it at this point.
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
Log attached.
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.
My mistake.
The added lines in Var 0000 should read:
Looks fine to me:
3. Fired up Oi4FS after Battery Power on
- No DUs mismatcch
4. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
5. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
6. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
7. APU started and BUSS to APU
-No DUs mismatch
8. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
9. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
Event log attached
These result are confirmed by the log file.
Hi Roar
These are the steps I took and the results
1. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
2. Turned on the Battery Power. (Previouosly loaded Oi4FS before this step)
3. Fired up Oi4FS after Battery Power on
- No DUs mismatcch
4. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
5. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
6. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
7. APU started and BUSS to APU
-No DUs mismatch
8. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
9. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
Event log attached
Next step
1. Added the new section of script given by copying and pasting exactly. Did it a few times.
I get this error when compiling
Config_SIOC ver 5.2 - By Manuel Velez -
Open file "config_sioc.tmp"
10:34:08 PM
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Variable name not found
I check the spelling and everything looks ok.
When I take out the section everything compiles
Config_SIOC ver 5.2 - By Manuel Velez -
Open file "config_sioc.tmp"
10:42:48 PM
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Total file lines : 9098
Total SIOC vars : 1407
Time = 0:2,606
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
4. Turned Battery Power on.
5. Lights test
6. Ground Power on
7. Lights test
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
I could not complete the test with the code as the Oi4FS would not let anything work on the MIP with the new section of code.
Add these lines to Var 0000 and recompile and test.
(This is at the beginning of the script.)
Not sure it will work better but try it out.
&sFO_MAIN_DU = 0
Please sae attached my current script
Send me the script you are using so I can use that, make some changes, and send it back.
The strange thing is that SIOC detects the DU switch position initially to 2, which is ENG_PRI.
The more test and data I get the better.
Good morning, Roar.
Thank you for looking into this. However, my MIP DUs on both CAPT and FO were all set to NORM before I fired up MSFS and Oi4S.
When PMDG 737 was loaded initially, all positions on the MIP and the virtual cockpit were matching on NORM.
Immediately I turned the Battery Power on was when the MIP still at NORM the virtual cockpit DUs moved to different positions.
So, if I read your analysis correctly, the mismatch happened before the Battery Power came on even though the virtual cockpit was not showing the mismatch? So, so if what I am reading is correct, then the mismatch happened before the Battery Power came on.
Also, worth mentioning that how I correct this is to just move all DU switches on the MIP to a different position and then it will conform to the virtual cockpit and match there on.
However, after Battery Power, say I switch BUSS to APU or ENGINE, then the mismatch can occur again.
Something in the Power Switching is causing something. Just like doing a lights test causes a mismatch.
Would it be beneficial to do a complete flight and send the log? I am assuming the log is dynamic and captures info continuously.
What the log file is telling us:
At 17:36:10 the SIOC server receives all switch positions, incl. the position for the Captains DU switches.
17:36:10 rcv<Arn.Vivo: Arn.Resp:2002=0:2031=0:2070=0:2103=0:2370=0:2371=1:2372=2:2379=0:2380=0:2381=1:2384=1:2392=1:2394=2:2398=0:2402=1:2403=1:2408=1:2414=1:2448=0:2449=1:2527=1:2528=4:2534=-999999:2535=999999:2538=0:2539=1:2540=1:2542=999999:2557=1:2563=2:2565=1:2586=0:2593=0:2594=0:2595=0:2596=1:2598=1:2599=1:2600=0:2601=0:2607=0:2608=0:2609=0:2619=1:2621=1:2622=0:2625=1:2627=1:2628=0:2635=1:2637=1:2640=1:2642=1:2645=1:2646=0:2647=0:2648=0:2649=0:2650=0:2651=0:2653=0:2654=0:2655=0:2656=0:2657=0:2658=0:2659=0:2660=0:2662=0:2663=0:2664=0:2665=0:2667=0:2670=0:2674=0:2676=0:2677=0:2678=0:2680=0:2682=0:2683=0:2684=0:2685=0:2686=0:2706=1:2708=1:2717=0:2800=0:
17:36:10 sent>Arn.Vivo:
// BATTERY is in OFF pos by 2800=0
// CPT_MAIN_DU is set to CPT_ENG_PRI with 2372=2
// CPT_LOWER_DU is set to CPT_NORM_LDU with 2371=1
This info is sent to the virtual cockpit by the PMDG 737 driver software.
At 17:38:58 the SIOC server receives a change for Var 2800 to 1 which is the BATTERY switch turning to ON.
This info is sent to the virtual cockpit by the PMDG 737 driver software.
Also, at 17:38:58 the SIOC server via the PMDG 737 driver software receives Var 1300 = 2 as a confirmation that the switch in the virtual cockpit is changed to ENG_PRI position.
To me and with the data everything looks OK.
You can read the Var 2372 and Var 1300 in IOCPCOnsole when you try to dig more into this.
If and when you find more info, send to me.
At the moment everything looks OK to me.
Also verify that the CPT DU switch send correct data. IF it was set to NORM the SIOC server should have received 2372=1
First ride, I had no mismatch, however the program frooze at about T/D and I thougtht I may have tampered with the my wiring so I did not make anything of it.
Second ride, I had a mismatch immediately I turned Ground Power ON BUS. I reset the mismatch and and everything went fine, no further issues.
However again the system frooze part way through descent to the runway.
Non of my MIP knobs would work, Lights that were on stayed on and even the Landing gear would not work. EFIS stopped working, CDU stopped workinig too.
This time I was not doing anything but just sitting and monitoring in Auto Pilot.
Please find attached the log file, which was large so I had to zip.
Thx, Gabe
1. Added the new script compiled and configured
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
- No DUs mismatch
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
- No DUs mismatch
4. Turned Battery Power on.
- No DUs mismatch
5. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
6. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
7. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
- No DUs mismatch (But at this point I just relised the AUTO BRAKE on the virtual cockpit is now at three even though the MIP is on OFF. I am nost sure when it may have been there but I observed it at this point.
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
Log attached.
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.
My mistake.
The added lines in Var 0000 should read:
Looks fine to me:
3. Fired up Oi4FS after Battery Power on
- No DUs mismatcch
4. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
5. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
6. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
7. APU started and BUSS to APU
-No DUs mismatch
8. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
9. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
Event log attached
These result are confirmed by the log file.
Hi Roar
These are the steps I took and the results
1. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
2. Turned on the Battery Power. (Previouosly loaded Oi4FS before this step)
3. Fired up Oi4FS after Battery Power on
- No DUs mismatcch
4. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
5. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
6. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
7. APU started and BUSS to APU
-No DUs mismatch
8. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
9. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
-No DUs mismatch
Event log attached
Next step
1. Added the new section of script given by copying and pasting exactly. Did it a few times.
I get this error when compiling
Config_SIOC ver 5.2 - By Manuel Velez -
Open file "config_sioc.tmp"
10:34:08 PM
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Variable name not found
I check the spelling and everything looks ok.
When I take out the section everything compiles
Config_SIOC ver 5.2 - By Manuel Velez -
Open file "config_sioc.tmp"
10:42:48 PM
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Total file lines : 9098
Total SIOC vars : 1407
Time = 0:2,606
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
4. Turned Battery Power on.
5. Lights test
6. Ground Power on
7. Lights test
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
I could not complete the test with the code as the Oi4FS would not let anything work on the MIP with the new section of code.
Add these lines to Var 0000 and recompile and test.
(This is at the beginning of the script.)
Not sure it will work better but try it out.
&sFO_MAIN_DU = 0
Please sae attached my current script
Send me the script you are using so I can use that, make some changes, and send it back.
The strange thing is that SIOC detects the DU switch position initially to 2, which is ENG_PRI.
The more test and data I get the better.
Good morning, Roar.
Thank you for looking into this. However, my MIP DUs on both CAPT and FO were all set to NORM before I fired up MSFS and Oi4S.
When PMDG 737 was loaded initially, all positions on the MIP and the virtual cockpit were matching on NORM.
Immediately I turned the Battery Power on was when the MIP still at NORM the virtual cockpit DUs moved to different positions.
So, if I read your analysis correctly, the mismatch happened before the Battery Power came on even though the virtual cockpit was not showing the mismatch? So, so if what I am reading is correct, then the mismatch happened before the Battery Power came on.
Also, worth mentioning that how I correct this is to just move all DU switches on the MIP to a different position and then it will conform to the virtual cockpit and match there on.
However, after Battery Power, say I switch BUSS to APU or ENGINE, then the mismatch can occur again.
Something in the Power Switching is causing something. Just like doing a lights test causes a mismatch.
Would it be beneficial to do a complete flight and send the log? I am assuming the log is dynamic and captures info continuously.
What the log file is telling us:
At 17:36:10 the SIOC server receives all switch positions, incl. the position for the Captains DU switches.
17:36:10 rcv<Arn.Vivo: Arn.Resp:2002=0:2031=0:2070=0:2103=0:2370=0:2371=1:2372=2:2379=0:2380=0:2381=1:2384=1:2392=1:2394=2:2398=0:2402=1:2403=1:2408=1:2414=1:2448=0:2449=1:2527=1:2528=4:2534=-999999:2535=999999:2538=0:2539=1:2540=1:2542=999999:2557=1:2563=2:2565=1:2586=0:2593=0:2594=0:2595=0:2596=1:2598=1:2599=1:2600=0:2601=0:2607=0:2608=0:2609=0:2619=1:2621=1:2622=0:2625=1:2627=1:2628=0:2635=1:2637=1:2640=1:2642=1:2645=1:2646=0:2647=0:2648=0:2649=0:2650=0:2651=0:2653=0:2654=0:2655=0:2656=0:2657=0:2658=0:2659=0:2660=0:2662=0:2663=0:2664=0:2665=0:2667=0:2670=0:2674=0:2676=0:2677=0:2678=0:2680=0:2682=0:2683=0:2684=0:2685=0:2686=0:2706=1:2708=1:2717=0:2800=0:
17:36:10 sent>Arn.Vivo:
// BATTERY is in OFF pos by 2800=0
// CPT_MAIN_DU is set to CPT_ENG_PRI with 2372=2
// CPT_LOWER_DU is set to CPT_NORM_LDU with 2371=1
This info is sent to the virtual cockpit by the PMDG 737 driver software.
At 17:38:58 the SIOC server receives a change for Var 2800 to 1 which is the BATTERY switch turning to ON.
This info is sent to the virtual cockpit by the PMDG 737 driver software.
Also, at 17:38:58 the SIOC server via the PMDG 737 driver software receives Var 1300 = 2 as a confirmation that the switch in the virtual cockpit is changed to ENG_PRI position.
To me and with the data everything looks OK.
You can read the Var 2372 and Var 1300 in IOCPCOnsole when you try to dig more into this.
If and when you find more info, send to me.
At the moment everything looks OK to me.
Also verify that the CPT DU switch send correct data. IF it was set to NORM the SIOC server should have received 2372=1
Re: Main Panel DU
What type of Opencockpits modules do you have?
What is text in PMDG B737.ini file
What is text in PMDG B737.ini file
Re: Main Panel DU
I have the Opencockpits Dual MIP without the MCP and 1 EFIS and 1 CDU. I added a goflight MCP and 1 EFIS. No overhead or anything else.
[PMDG B737]
[PMDG B737]
Re: Main Panel DU
Looking into action lists again, your OVH button actions listed below are all done in virtual cockpits?
Did you ever try :
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.
and what was the result?
Make a new test with the driver that has not the log function active to prevent crash and tell me exactely the steps you do in virtual cockpit and hardware to get the mismatch.
1. Added the new script compiled and configured
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
- No DUs mismatch
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
- No DUs mismatch
4. Turned Battery Power on.
- No DUs mismatch
5. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
6. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
7. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
- No DUs mismatch (But at this point I just relised the AUTO BRAKE on the virtual cockpit is now at three even though the MIP is on OFF. I am nost sure when it may have been there but I observed it at this point.
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
Log attached.
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.
Did you ever try :
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.
and what was the result?
Make a new test with the driver that has not the log function active to prevent crash and tell me exactely the steps you do in virtual cockpit and hardware to get the mismatch.
1. Added the new script compiled and configured
2. Loaded PMDG 737 COLDNDARK as usual Opencockpit MIP DU postions are all NORM on each side to cockpit
- No DUs mismatch
3. Fired up Oi4FS during COLDNDARK
- No DUs mismatch
4. Turned Battery Power on.
- No DUs mismatch
5. Lights test
-No DUs mismatch
6. Ground Power on
- No DUs mismatch
7. Lights test
- No DUs mismatch
8. APU started and BUSS to APU
- No DUs mismatch (But at this point I just relised the AUTO BRAKE on the virtual cockpit is now at three even though the MIP is on OFF. I am nost sure when it may have been there but I observed it at this point.
9. Engine 2 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
10. Engine 1 start and BUSS to engines
- No DUs mismatch
Log attached.
Next step take a full flight and observe the AUTO BRAKE and all DUs and report back to you.