Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

This is the forum for all your MSFS 2020 - PMDG 737 driver questions and issues
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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by mvr1918 »


can you make a zip file of your SIOC folder and copy it to your ONEDRIVE and send me the download link.

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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by mvr1918 »

I can confirm that the Light Test function is not working correctly with the PMDG B737 6.2 scripts.

The script code used is mostly the same as the used for the PMDG 737 NGXu in Prepa3D, where it worked OK.

At some point in time a PMDG 737 for MSFS update changed the behavior of this functions.

A new script routine for the complete Light Test function must be written and tested.

As I now do not have a working home cockpit with all modules up and running, it will take some time for me to correct this.
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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by NobbyC_B738 »

Hi Roar,
thanks for that Light Test statement. I started having doubts about myself.

You took a load of my mind now and avoid lots of new trial and errors on my side.

I'm happy now and can wait for the revised script. Take your time. Flying without doing light test is fun enough in the meantime.

Thanks and best Regards
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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by idj4 »

NobbyC_B738 wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:46 pm
Would you please repeat test after you have connected your AFT-OVH later. This result will definitely tell me, if the problem is located in the AFT-OVH script part (Roar explained that he has got this script part from another user and couldn't test) or if it is my modification. There seem to be only few user who have an OVH-AFT in use so I hope, you can help me.

Thanks again, your tests showed me definitely where to search.

I've now run a LIGHTS TEST with my AFT_OH connected and all is fine on the software panels.


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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by idj4 »

mvr1918 wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 10:53 pm idj4,

can you make a zip file of your SIOC folder and copy it to your ONEDRIVE and send me the download link.

send to

I have zipped my SIOC folder. You should receive an email to share the folder from my google drive.

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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by mvr1918 »

Cna't download your zipped SIOC folder. Try with ONEDRIVE.
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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by NobbyC_B738 »

thanks for testing. In the meantime Roar has confirmed that Light Test function is not working correctly.
Light Test problems are still existing, maybe the effects are different when different hardware is connected or different script modifications have been made for switch and annunciator assignments.

The Light Test on my side is still strange.
1) 32 LEDs on my Opencockpits LE Devices Panel only turn on when I push the test button on the LE Devices Panel or when flaps come in a corresponding position. The 32 LEDs never turn on on my hardware, when I operate the MIP Light Test switch, although they turn on on PMDG software panel.
Even if I add something to script like „IF &sLIGHT_TEST = 1 … (then all Var. 0208 … 0239 = 1) they don’t light up. Something in the script seems to prevent this.

Other AFT_OVH annunciators that I have also connected and linked to device 30 work fine with lights test (All annunciators of IRS Panel, 3 GEAR DOWN lights and 2 REVERSER lights)

2) Operating MIP Light Test switch sometimes works fine with all other annunciators (except LE Devices) but very often with problems. E.g. when I do several light tests one behind the other, problems sometimes arise during first test and sometimes at a later test. But when problems arise, they are always identical to what I have written in a previous post.

Although Roar has confirmed problems I will not exclude that I have made mistakes in script modifications. I started with zero SIOC knowledge and got 95 % working immediately. Then I started learning SIOC and could sucessfully change sript to 4-way-wiper function and to correct generator disconnect function. So there are only 2% left and I’m sure to solve this with Roar’s script revision, with Forum help and with more SIOC training.

I will wait for the revised script and then do modifications step by step with a test after each step.
In the meantime I do SIOC Ttraining and try to understand the existing 6.2 script

First question: can please someone tell me what is a Magic Variable in the 6.2script? (Var 0036, name Magic_Var); Google didn’t tell me.

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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by mvr1918 »

The Magic_Var is nothing but an ordinary Variable to enable the Light Test code to work.

The script code was written in the early days of the PMDG NGXu were there as an awful lot of issues with the PMDG SDK.
To make the Light Test to work with the NGX/NGXu in P3D I just named it Magic-Var as it helped me to get the Light Test to work.

The whole electrical script code logic is rather complicated, but was necessary for the early NGX/NGXu release.

It probably can be made more simple with the PMDG 737 for MSFS.

But, I do not have time for it. And also, why fix it when it is working.

Anyway, I have a new script and driver software that should make the Light Test work for almost all panels now.

Send a request to for e new test version. This version has trace function to better see which variables are sent/ received.
It is only valuable for those written scripts themselves and for debug purposes.
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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by idj4 »


I've tried the operation of my full pedestal, and have found a few problems. Listed as follows:

1. Fault Inop/Ovht Fire Test Switch: REVERSED
2. Fire Handles: NO LIGHTS
3. Rudder Control Dial: REVERSED
5. Both Audio Modules: NO FUNCTION
6. ADF Module: REVERSED ADF/ANT SWITCH (ADF displays ANT & vice versa)
7. Comm Radio: NO INNER ENCODER DIGITS FUNCTION (Also the TFR button works, but the first three digits auto change to 121. For example, if I use the
outer encoder to dial in 136. and then transfer it to the active frequency, it transfers ok but after a second or two it automatically changes to 121. as
do the digits in the Standby frequency.

I'm not too sure if points 6 & 7 will be for the F.O side as well. I can't try them as they have no displays.


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Re: Report bugs and issues for the PMDG 737 for MSFS here

Post by mvr1918 »

I find it very strange that you have all these issues as my Pedestal works OK.

Which script are you using?

To dig into these issues you should :

1) with SIOC Monitor find the input and output numbers of your Pedestal buttons, switches, leds and displays.
2) Check these numbers with the numbers used in the script.

I believe all script logic are OK as it has been used for years without any issuses reported and that the issues are all related to numbering mismatch between the script and the hardware.

This documents gives the correct numbering plan for a factory built Pedestal. This numbering plan is also used in the PMDG 737 v6.3P script,!AjRjRKdTF9fGg-g7n1K ... A?e=gWeTcf

I had a brief look and checked that the correct number are used in the 6.3P script .Use Oi4FS script to check number in the most easy way.
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