Thanks James for information.
Thanks Roar for confirmation. That is exactly what I have notice and what my script modifications are based on
Things could be so easy if PMDG
- will change values “1” and “2” vice versa for the fuel valve annunciators
- will implement 0 – 1 – 2 for the anti ice valve annunciators
As long as my dreams don’t come true we have to live with script modifications:
1) fuel valve annunciators: script modifications that I have previously posted. That were the easy ones.
2) Anti ice valve annunciators. These were more challenging. It took some trial and errors until I could create the final modifications that work fine during normal operation, cold and dark and don’t come into conflict with Roars magic variable during lights test.
I found 3 additional variables 1158, 1159 and 1160 that are related to variables 1152, 1153, 1156 and 1157. I have put these relationships and delay function into corresponding subroutines, tested for weeks without any problem and can share now
Replace lines
Var 1152, name aVALVE_OPEN_L, static, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 30, Digit 58, Numbers 1
Var 1153, name aVALVE_OPEN_R, static, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 30, Digit 59, Numbers 1
by the lines as follows:
- Wing anti ice.jpg (131.91 KiB) Viewed 4176 times
Replace line
Var 1156, name aCO_VA_OPEN_L, static, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 30, Digit 60, Numbers 1
by the lines as follows:
- Eng1 anti ice.jpg (71.62 KiB) Viewed 4176 times
Replace line
Var 1157, name aCO_VA_OPEN_R, static, Link IOCARD_DISPLAY, Device 30, Digit 61, Numbers 1
by the lines as follows:
- Eng2 anti ice.jpg (75.25 KiB) Viewed 4176 times
Don't forget to change digit numbers to your hardware numbers, than compile and have fun
For the shared modifications I have used delay 160 what is 1.6 seconds and what is very close tho the annunciator behavior on the PMDG software OVH. In my script I have changed the the variable 1153 delay to 170 (1.7 seconds) so that both wing anti ice valves don't get open at the same time but with a short difference of 0,1 second. That looks great to me, but feel free to change delay figures to any value you want.