What type of info to send in if you encounter driver crash

Forum for the OC4BA v2/v3 and OC4BAConfig including the OCP4NGX driver
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What type of info to send in if you encounter driver crash

Post by mvr1918 »


If you are one of the few users that experience that the OCP4NGX or OCP4777X drivers crashes or won't start, please provide the information requested below.

Without this info I can't help you.

0. Text of your configured 737sioc.ini and sioc.ini files
1. Complete folder path of FSX and SIOC.
2. An image or a list of all installed files and folders in SIOC.
3. A crash info message
What I need is a minidump. Start TaskMgr.exe, Processes tab, select the crashed program while it is still displaying the crash dialog. Right-click it and Create Dump File.
4. Text of OC.log file in SIOC folder
5. What types of flightsim gear you have connected to your PC( all types, OC and others)
6. Info about what happens if you start OC4NGX.exe directly from SIOC without first starting FSX and SIOC
7. An image of SIOC main window after your start SIOC.exe from SIOC folder
8. Windows version 32 or 64 bit
9. CPU speed of your PC