Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

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Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by hermann2441 »

Hello from Austria!

Years ago I built a MotorizedThrottle together with a friend. It consists of two levers and a trimwheel which are motorized by DC-motors 30V.
Additional there are an airbrake- and a flaps-axe.

We used the DC-Motor card from OpenCockpits and an I/O card.

The program I wrote in SIOC is based on some scripts from Manuel Velez from OC.

Everything run well for many years.

Two years ago came FS2020. It was not difficult to adapt the program for it.

But now, with PMDG Boeing 737-700 the problems started:
PMDG makes a big secret about the variables. Only outputs are available, no inputs.

So after some frustating weeks I found the solution here with the programs for the connection to OpenCockpits.

But: the program code for PMDG 737 ist very large and it was very hard for me to avoid interferences with my throttle program.

After many tries I stopped programming, because it was quite impossible to find some gaps for my program.

But after long searches in many groups I found an easy solution now:

I start my script with SIOC 5 (as usual) and the script for PMDG737 with SIOC 7.

Only the IOCP_Ports must be different: in SIOC7 I use 8092, in SIOC5 8093.

At first I start FSUIPC7, then SIOC5, then IOCDCmotors, then SIOC7 and at last OiPMDG737

I think you can start both scrips with two instances of SIOC7 too.

All run very good but some variables for the Throttle are still missing. Therefor the AutoThrottle has some interrupts while flying.
Eg. the address for TOGA is not active for the throttle (althoug set in cockpit).

I hope that we get the missing variables after publishing the SDK from PMDG soon.

The script for the MotorizedThrottle I will send as freeware later.

Rgds Hermann
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by mvr1918 »

PMDG makes a big secret about the variables. Only outputs are available, no inputs.
Here is a list of Events(inputs) for the Control Stand (TQ) tha can be used with the PMDG 737 driver software(OiPMDG737)

All Controll Stand settings can be controlled via these SIOC events:

using value -1 will work for most of them

2341 = CONTROL_STAND_SPEED_BRAKE_LEVER ( 8192 will move up, 16384 will move down)
2344 = CONTROL_STAND_SPEED_BRAKE_LEVER_50PCT ( -1 will set )
2353 = CONTROL_STAND_TRIM_WHEEL ( 8192 will move up, 16384 will move down)

2815 = THROTTLE1_LEVER (0-16383 set Throttle1 Lever, - -4096 set REVERSE1 LEVER)
2816 = THROTTLE2_LEVER (0-16383 set Throttle2 Lever, - -4096 set REVERSE2 LEVER)

Control Stand outputs:

1814 = SPOILER_Lever
1815 = THROTTLE1_Lever
1816 = THROTTLE2_Lever
1817 = Stab_Trim

No reason for using FSUIPC then as it only put an extra layer of code without adding anything.
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by hermann2441 »

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by mvr1918 »

You are welcome
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by mvr1918 »

Here is the script for motorized TQ. I do not know if it is complete. I guess it is a work in progress. It is a user script and it is not supported by by me.
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by My738Sim »

hermann2441 wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 9:17 am Hello from Austria!

Years ago I built a MotorizedThrottle together with a friend. It consists of two levers and a trimwheel which are motorized by DC-motors 30V.
Additional there are an airbrake- and a flaps-axe.

We used the DC-Motor card from OpenCockpits and an I/O card.

The program I wrote in SIOC is based on some scripts from Manuel Velez from OC.

Everything run well for many years.

Two years ago came FS2020. It was not difficult to adapt the program for it.

But now, with PMDG Boeing 737-700 the problems started:
PMDG makes a big secret about the variables. Only outputs are available, no inputs.

So after some frustating weeks I found the solution here with the programs for the connection to OpenCockpits.

But: the program code for PMDG 737 ist very large and it was very hard for me to avoid interferences with my throttle program.

After many tries I stopped programming, because it was quite impossible to find some gaps for my program.

But after long searches in many groups I found an easy solution now:

I start my script with SIOC 5 (as usual) and the script for PMDG737 with SIOC 7.

Only the IOCP_Ports must be different: in SIOC7 I use 8092, in SIOC5 8093.

At first I start FSUIPC7, then SIOC5, then IOCDCmotors, then SIOC7 and at last OiPMDG737

I think you can start both scrips with two instances of SIOC7 too.

All run very good but some variables for the Throttle are still missing. Therefor the AutoThrottle has some interrupts while flying.
Eg. the address for TOGA is not active for the throttle (althoug set in cockpit).

I hope that we get the missing variables after publishing the SDK from PMDG soon.

The script for the MotorizedThrottle I will send as freeware later.

Rgds Hermann
Hi Hermann,

Even though your post is a little old, I would like to know if you managed to make your throttle dcmotors work correctly with the A/T and TOGA of the PMDG737 in MSFS2020.

In my simulator I use a REV TQ that uses two dcmotor boards from Opencockpit and both work with a SIOC script as well. As I am migrating from Project Magenta to the PMDG737 and I came across the problem with the autopilot offsets, not knowing how to resolve the issue to get them working as before.

If you don't mind sharing your script to test in my sim, I would be very grateful as all I have to do is get the dcmotors working for the accelerators with A/T and the speebrake UP after landing.

I was able to make the axis for flaps and speedbrake to work with the PMDG events with a help of a friend, as the throttles and reversers are working correct with the same script I used with Project Magenta running P3D4.5, without touching inside the script.

Best regards,
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by hermann2441 »

Hello Charlie,

very sorry for the long delay. I didnot receive a message that you wrote and I did not visit the site for a long time.

The throttle runs well with PMDG 737, only TOGA or N1 is not working, you must lift off by hand throttle. Later everything work, both levers and elevator trim.

With PMDG 777 TOGA and N1 work well, but the script for it is not fully operational. But I am still working on it.

I hope, that ROAR can help me with 737 and TOGA/N1, because both are showen in PFD but not at the MCP output.

I will send you the latest script. I works only for Standard planes and both PMDG 737 and 777. All other planes I removed from the script.
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Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by hermann2441 »

Here is the TXT file:

// *****************************************************************************
// * Config_SIOC ver 5.0B5 - By Manolo Vélez -
// *****************************************************************************
// * Editor: Hermann Hummer
// * FileName : Motorized_Throttle_2022_2.11_PMDG.txt
// * Für Standard und PMDG jetzt (11/2022) dasselbe Script
// * Der Autopilot wird mit SIOC 7 getrennt gestartet
// * Date : 11.12.2007/24.12.2020/4.2.2021/4.2.2022, 16.8.2022, 4.11.2022, 19.10.2024
// * some variables shiftet
// * Subroutine for motor-lever/trim movement start every 50ms
// * Some improvements for AP: eg. when APP is active then V/S is set to -2000D
// * Pause modus is now dedected, so levers and trim stop in pause mode
// * Airbus with relais to connect levers to game port
// * Flusi 9, FSX, P3D, MSFS2020
// * Levermotoren starten nun auch in MSFS2020
// * Wenn ALT_Hold aktiv, dann VerticalSpeedAnzeige auf 0
// * LVLCHG über Keyboard-Codes realisiert (STRG + ALT + L) (muss in FSUIPC auf virtuellen Joystick zugewiesen werden)
// * VS über Keyboard-Codes realisiert (STRG + ALT + V)
// * LED für VS über Variable 07EC ansteuern (Read-Only)
// * Variable für PMDG geändert. PMDG für FSX läuft nun nicht mehr
// * LNAV und VNAV für PMDG hinzugefügt
// * für PMDG 737 und 777 ergänzt

Var 1000, Value 0 // Initialisation


&Lever_Elevator = TIMER 999 , 0,5 // Subroutine for Lever and Elevator Motors starts every 50ms

Var 0004, name 2020_211_PMDG // Version number
Var 0000, name lever2_motor // Motor control

Var 0001, name lever1_motor, value 1 // starts program

Var 0002, name elevator_motor // Motor control

// for (futur) Airbus only

Var 0003, name Relais // Relais switches from upper to lower printed board

// The following variables depend on the used Potentiometers
// You must check these values by using IOCPConsole for each Potentiometer
// 1)for 100 percent thrust: 'LeverX_upper' 2)idle: 'LeverX_idle' 3)reverser: 'LeverX_lower'.
// In my case here the potentiometer values are the following:

Var 0100, name Lever1_upper, Value 122 // Upper potentiometer value of Lever1
Var 0101, name Lever2_upper, Value 119 // Upper potentiometer value of Lever2
Var 0102, name Lever1_idle, Value 23 // Idle potentiometer value of Lever1
Var 0103, name Lever2_idle, Value 23 // Idle potentiometer value of Lever2
Var 0104, name Lever1_lower, Value 6 // Lower potentiometer value of Lever1
Var 0105, name Lever2_lower, Value 7 // Lower potentiometer value of Lever2

// Airbus only:
Var 0106, name Lever1_CL, Value 65 // CL potentiometer value of Lever1
Var 0107, name Lever2_CL, Value 68 // CL potentiometer value of Lever2
Var 0108, name Lever1_FLX, Value 90 // FLX potentiometer value of Lever1
Var 0109, name Lever2_FLX, Value 93 // FLX potentiometer value of Lever2

Var 0014, name dead_area1 // to avoid jitter, we define a 'dead area' for the potentiometers
Var 0015, name break_dist1 // how many points we need for break the motors to zero
Var 0016, name current_break1 // we can define a break current for the motor
Var 0017, name current_run1 // Speed for motor when running
Var 0034, name dead_area2
Var 0035, name break_dist2
Var 0036, name current_break2
Var 0037, name current_run2

Var 0041, name dead_area3, Value 8
Var 0042, name break_dist3, Value 30
Var 0043, name current_break3, Value 40
Var 0044, name current_run3, Value 50 // Speed for motor when big difference

Var 0110, name Lever1_factor // Distance FS / PointPot
Var 0111, name Lever2_factor // Apply Distance_Pot to Distance FS
Var 0112, name Pot1_factor // Distance Pot / PointPot
Var 0113, name Pot2_factor // Apply Distance_Pot to Distance Lever

Var 0038, name Flusi, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3308, Length 2 // what Flusi-version is in use?

&dead_area1 = 1 // to avoid jitter, we define a 'dead area' for the potentiometers
&break_dist1 = 8 // how many points we need for break the motors to zero
&current_break1 = 50 // we can define a break current for the motor
&current_run1 = 80 // Speed for motor when running
&dead_area2 = 2
&break_dist2 = 8
&current_break2 = 50
&current_run2 = 80

Var 0005, name Leverdiscon, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $310A, Length 1 // Disconnect both LeverPotentiometers from FS

// Var 0045, name Lever1_from_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $3330, Length 2
// Var 0046, name Lever2_from_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $3332, Length 2

// read 16 letters of the name of the airplane form AIR-file
// to see if it is a standard- or non-standard plane
Var 0140, name AIRFILE1, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3c09, Length 1 // 1st letter of Airplane name in FS9
Var 0141, name AIRFILE2, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3c0a, Length 1 // 2nd letter of Airplane name
Var 0142, name AIRFILE3, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3c0b, Length 1 // 3rd letter of Airplane name
Var 0143, name AIRFILE4, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3c0c, Length 1 // 4th letter of Airplane name
Var 0144, name AIRFILE5, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3c0d, Length 1 // 5th letter of Airplane name
Var 0145, name AIRFILE6, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d00, Length 1 // 1st letter of Airplane name in FSX
Var 0146, name AIRFILE7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d01, Length 1 // 2nd letter of Airplane name
Var 0147, name AIRFILE8, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d02, Length 1 // 3rd letter of Airplane name
Var 0148, name AIRFILE9, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d03, Length 1 // 4th letter of Airplane name
Var 0149, name AIRFILE10, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d04, Length 1 // 5th letter of Airplane name
Var 0150, name AIRFILE11, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d05, Length 1 // 6th letter of Airplane name
Var 0151, name AIRFILE12, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d06, Length 1 // 7th letter of Airplane name
Var 0152, name AIRFILE13, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d07, Length 1 // 8th letter of Airplane name
Var 0153, name AIRFILE14, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d08, Length 1 // 8th letter of Airplane name
Var 0154, name AIRFILE15, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d09, Length 1 // 10th letter of Airplane name
Var 0155, name AIRFILE16, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0a, Length 1 // 11thletter of Airplane name
Var 0156, name AIRFILE17, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0b, Length 1 // 12letter of Airplane name
Var 0157, name AIRFILE18, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0c, Length 1 // 13thletter of Airplane name
Var 0158, name AIRFILE19, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0d, Length 1 // 14th letter of Airplane name
Var 0159, name AIRFILE20, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0e, Length 1 // 15thletter of Airplane name
Var 0160, name AIRFILE21, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $3d0f, Length 1 // 16th letter of Airplane name

// Standard- or Non-Standard Planes?
Var 0057, name PMDG // PMDG 737
Var 0180, name PMDG7 // PMDG 777
Var 0054, name Std // Standard Plane

// Variables for PMDG

Var 0091, name IAS_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65dc, Length 1 // PMDG 737:is IAS_HOLD active?
Var 0088, name ALT_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e3, Length 1 // PMDG 737: is ALT hold active?
Var 0089, name AP_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e5, Length 1 // PMDG 737: is AP active
Var 0090, name VS_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e4, Length 1 // PMDG 737: is V/S active?
Var 0046, name IASMACH_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65C4, Length 4 // PMDG 737: Speed vom MCP
Var 0093, name APP_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e2, Length 1

Var 0094, name CMD_B_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e7, Length 1
Var 0045, name N1_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65DB, Length 1
Var 0098, name SPD_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65dC, Length 1
Var 0121, name LNAV_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65E0, Length 1
Var 0122, name VNAV_PMDG, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65DD, Length 1

Var 0047, name IAS // is IAS_HOLD active?
Var 0049, name ALT_hold // ist ALT_HOLD active?
Var 0050, name APP // Autopilot APP-mode
Var 0051, name N1 // Autopilot N1-mode
Var 0052, name SPD // Autopilot Speed-hold-mode
Var 0053, name VS // Autopilot V/S-mode

// Variables for PMDG 777

Var 0170, name IAS_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $657e, Length 1 // PMDG 777:is IAS_HOLD active?
Var 0171, name ALT_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $658c, Length 1 // PMDG 777: is ALT hold active?
Var 0172, name AP_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6584, Length 2 // PMDG 777: is AP active
Var 0173, name VS_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $658b, Length 1 // PMDG 777: is V/S active?
Var 0175, name APP_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $658e, Length 1

// Var 0176, name CMD_B_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65e7, Length 1
// Var 0174, name IASMACH_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $657e, Length 4 // PMDG 777: Speed vom MCP

Var 0177, name N1_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $65DB, Length 1
Var 0178, name SPD_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6586, Length 1
Var 0179, name LNAV_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6587, Length 1
Var 0190, name VNAV_PMDG7, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6588, Length 1

// Variables for Standard Planes
Var 0019, name Pause, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0264, Length 2 // is Pause mode active?
Var 0021, name ALT_STD, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07D0, Length 4 // Standard planes: AutoPilot ALT hold active?
Var 0022, name IAS_STD, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07DC, Length 4 // Standard planes: is IAS_HOLD active?
Var 0029, name APP_STD, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07FC, Length 4 // is Glideslope hold active?(GS and APP exchanged!!)
Var 0030, name TOGA, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $080C, Length 4 // is TO/GA switch active?
Var 0048, name MACH, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07E4, Length 4 // is MACH_HOLD active?

Var 0055, name AP_STD, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $07bc, Length 4 // is AutoPilot MasterSwitch Standard-Planes active?

Var 0039, name AP

Var 0040, name GS, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0800, Length 4 // is ApproachMode active? (GS and APP exchanged!!)

Var 0020, name Trim_to_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $0BC0, Length 2 // Send value of PitchTrim to FS
Var 0023, name Lever2_to_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $0932, Length 2 // Send value of Lever2 to FS
Var 0024, name Lever1_to_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $089A, Length 2 // Send value of Lever1 to FS
Var 0031, name EngineNumbers, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $0AEC, Length 2 // how many engines has the plane?
Var 0032, name Lever3_to_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $09CA, Length 2 // Send value of Lever3 to FS
Var 0033, name Lever4_to_FS, Link FSUIPC_OUT, Offset $0A62, Length 2 // Send value of Lever4 to FS
Var 0097, name LEVER_START // Motor for levers should start
Var 0096, name ELEV_START // Motor for elevator trim should start

Var 0068, name lever2_diff // difference where the Lever2 is and where it should be
Var 0069, name lever1_diff // difference where the Lever1 is and where it should be
Var 0027, name corr_Trim_pos // Where ElevTrim should be (corrected to potentiometer values)
Var 0028, name trim_diff // difference where the Trim is and where it should be

Var 0013, Link FSUIPC_IN, name Lever1_target, Offset $088c, Length 2 // 88c Where Lever1 should be


// becouse the potentiometer differ in value, we align the potentiometer value to the leverlength
L0 = &Lever1_upper - &Lever1_idle // Upper Potentiomer Value - Idle Potentiomer Value
L1 = 12800 / L0 // Distance Pot = 128 * 100 becouse in SIOC are no decimal values possible

&Pot1_factor = L1

L0 = &Lever1_Pot - &Lever1_idle // Corrected value from Pot to FS
L1 = L0 * &Pot1_factor // apply length lever to pot
L1 = L1 / 100 // same as above, becouse of no decimal value possible
L2 = &Lever1_target / 128 // value from FSUIPC must be adjusted to pot value
&Lever1_diff = L1 - L2 // where the lever is and where it should be

IF &LEVER_START = 1 // A/T is on
&Leverdiscon = 192 // Disconnect both LeverPotentiometers from FS
CALL &MOTOR_LEVER // subroutine for motor motion


Var 0012, Link FSUIPC_IN, name Lever2_target, Offset $0924, Length 2 // 924 Where Lever2 should be

L0 = &Lever2_upper - &Lever2_idle // Upper Potentiomer Value - Idle Potentiomer Value
L1 = 12800 / L0 // Distance Pot = 128

&Pot2_factor = L1

L0 = &Lever2_Pot - &Lever2_idle // Corrected value from Pot to FS
L1 = L0 * &Pot2_factor
L1 = L1 / 100
L2 = &Lever1_target / 128
&Lever2_diff = L1 - L2

IF &LEVER_START = 1 // A/T is on
// &Leverdiscon = 192
CALL &MOTOR_LEVER // subroutine for motor2 motion

Var 0018, Link FSUIPC_IN, name Trim_target, Offset $0BC2, Length 2 // Where Elevator Trim should be
IF &Trim_target > 33000
L0 = 81918 - &Trim_target // Trim down (49153 .. 65535)
L1 = L0 / 128 // 65535 + 16383 = 81918
L0 = 16383 - &Trim_target // Trim up (0 .. 16383)
L1 = L0 / 128
&corr_Trim_pos = L1
&trim_diff = &corr_Trim_pos - &Trim_Pot


Var 0006, name Lever1_Pot, Link USB_ANALOGIC, Input 1, PosL 0, PosC 127, PosR 254 // Lever1 Pot position
L0 = &Lever1_upper - &Lever1_idle // Upper Potentiomer Value - Idle Potentiomer Value
L1 = 16383 / L0 // Distance FS = 16383
&Lever1_factor = L1

L0 = &Lever1_Pot - &Lever1_idle // Corrected value from Pot to FS
L1 = L0 * &Lever1_factor
&lever1_motor = 0 // motor stops
&Leverdiscon = 0 // Connect both LeverPotentiometers to FS
IF &EngineNumbers <= 2 // here we look how many engines the plane has
&Lever1_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever1 Position to FS
IF &EngineNumbers = 4
&Lever1_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever1 Position to FS
&Lever2_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever2 Position to FS


Var 0007, name Lever2_Pot, Link USB_ANALOGIC, Input 2, PosL 0, PosC 127, PosR 254 // Lever2 Pot position
L0 = &Lever2_upper - &Lever2_idle // Upper Potentiomer Value - Idle Potentiomer Value
L1 = 16383 / L0 // Distance FS = 16383
&Lever2_factor = L1

L0 = &Lever2_Pot - &Lever2_idle // Corrected value from Pot to FS
L1 = L0 * &Lever2_factor
&lever2_motor = 0 // motor stops
&Leverdiscon = 0 // Connect both LeverPotentiometers to FS
IF &EngineNumbers <= 2 // here we look how many engines the plane has
&Lever2_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever2 Position to FS
IF &EngineNumbers = 4
&Lever3_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever3 Position to FS
&Lever4_to_FS = L1 // Send Lever4 Position to FS


Var 0008, name Trim_Pot, Link USB_ANALOGIC, Input 3, PosL 0, PosC 128, PosR 254 // Trim Potentiometer position
L0 = &Trim_Pot * 128
L1 = 16383 - L0

IF &ELEV_START = 0 // Trimwheel steered by hand
&Trim_to_FS = L1 // send Trimwheel to FS
&elevator_motor = 0 // Elevator motor stops

Var 0120, name Lever_Elevator, Link SUBRUTINE // Subroutine for Lever and Trim Motor movement

// Dedection if Standard- or Non-Standard-Plane

&PMDG = 0
IF &AIRFILE12 = 51
&PMDG = 1 // Plane is PMDG 737

&PMDG7 = 0
IF &AIRFILE12 = 55
&PMDG7 = 1 // Plane is PMDG 777

IF &PMDG = 1 // Airplane is PMDG 737


&N1 = &N1_PMDG

&ALT_hold = &ALT_PMDG

&IAS = 1
&IAS = 0






IF &AP_PMDG >= 1
&AP = 1
&AP = 0

&ALT_hold = 1
&ALT_hold = 0

IF &PMDG7 = 1 // Airplane is B777

&N1 = &N1_PMDG7
&ALT_hold = &ALT_PMDG7

IF &AP_PMDG7 >= 1
&AP = 1
&AP = 0

IF &ALT_PMDG7 >= 1
&ALT_hold = 1
&ALT_hold = 0


IF &Std = 1 // Standard Airplane
&ALT_hold = &ALT_STD

&Std = 0
IF &PMDG = 0
IF &PMDG7 = 0
&Std = 1 // FeelThere in the moment is standard plane


// Start Relais for Airbus Platzhalter für Airbus

// IF &Airbus = 1
// {
// &Relais = 120
// }
// {
// &Relais = 0
// }

// now we look if the levermotors should start or stop

// {
// }

IF &IAS = 0
IF &MACH = 0
IF &TOGA = 0
IF &Pause = 0
IF &N1 = 0
IF &SPD = 0


// ========================================================

// now we look if the elevator motor should start or stop

// IF &Pause = 0
// {
// IF &AP = 1
// {
// }
// {
// &ELEV_START = 0
// }

// }
// {
// &ELEV_START = 0
// }


IF &ALT_hold = 0 // ALT hold is on
IF &Pause = 0
IF &APP = 0 // APP hold is on
IF &VS = 0 // V/S mode is on
IF &AP = 0 // Autopilot is off
&ELEV_START = 0 // Elevator Motor stop

IF &ELEV_START = 1 // Elevator Motor should start
CALL &Motor_Elevator // subroutine for motor motion

// =======================================================

Var 0125, name Motor_Lever, Link SUBRUTINE // USB_DC controls motors for Lever1&2

// Motor control 0-127 = left; 129-255 =Right; 0 stops
L0 = &lever1_diff
L1 = 0
IF L0 < 0
L1 = 128 // Motor run direction
L0 = ABS L0
L2 = &current_run1 + L1 // Lever1 Motor runs with full current
IF L0 <= &break_dist1
L2 = &current_break1 + L1 // Lever1 Motor runs with break current
L0 = ABS L0
IF L0 <= &dead_area1
L2 = 0
L2 = 0 // Lever1 Motor stops

&lever1_motor = L2

L0 = &lever2_diff
L1 = 128
IF L0 < 0
L1 = 0
L0 = ABS L0
L2 = &current_run2 + L1 // Lever2 Motor runs with full current
IF L0 <= &break_dist2
L2 = &current_break2 + L1 // Lever2 Motor runs with break current
L0 = ABS L0
IF L0 <= &dead_area2
L2 = 0
L2 = 0 // Lever2 Motor stops

&lever2_motor = L2

Var 0130, name Motor_Elevator, Link SUBRUTINE // USB_DC controls motor for Elevator
// Motor control 0-127=left, 128 stops, 129-255=right
L0 = &trim_diff
IF &Flusi = 7 // FS2004 Elevator direction is revers
IF L0 < 0
L1 = 128
L1 = 0
IF &Flusi >= 8 // FSX, P3D, 2020
IF L0 > 0
L1 = 0
L1 = 128

L0 = ABS L0
L2 = &current_break3 + L1
IF L0 <= &break_dist3
L2 = &current_run3 + L1
L0 = ABS L0
IF L0 <= &dead_area3
L2 = 0

IF &ELEV_START = 0 // Motor Elevator trim stop
L2 = 0
&elevator_motor = L2

// *** End of TQ
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Joined: Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:18 am

Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by My738Sim »

Hello Hermann,

No problem at all and thank you for your kindless.

I'm just starting to understand how SIOC scripts work, since I don't have much programming knowledge. Today I was able to adjust the analog inputs for the throttles of my USBDCMotor card in your script, since I had never adjusted them before, since they always worked perfectly since FSX and P3D.

One question: do I need to use the OiPMDG737 program in my simulator, since I only use SIOC for the two DCMotors cards of my REV TQ?

Thank you very much for allowing me to use your script. I hope I can adjust what is necessary to be able to enjoy my TQ again like I did in P3D.
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Jul 19, 2022 7:23 pm

Re: Motorized Throttle together with Autopilot via OiPMDG737

Post by hermann2441 »

OIPMDG737 is only necessary if you use an Autopilot from OpenCockpit (Hardware)
In all other cases for a Motorized Throttle is only my Programm necessary.
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