New script for PMDG 737 for MSFS

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Re: New script for PMDG 737 for MSFS

Post by mvr1918 »

If you have a FMCv2, go to Oi4FS's script page and decompile the 7.0 script and change the line

Var 1997, name CDU1, static, Link IOCARD_KEYS, Device 13

Var 1997, name CDU1, static, Link USB_KEYS, Device 13
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Re: New script for PMDG 737 for MSFS

Post by Blinn »

biggstuff wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 11:49 pm
mvr1918 wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 7:12 pm Oi4FS can be installed to any directory, but you should avoid the Program Files and Program File(86) folder.

If you a double line in the configuration , just make a left mouse click on one of them and it is deleted.
The configuration function will only add a configuration line if you add it.
Thx again for the tip Roar, I will delete the extra line.
However I hate to be the bearer of bad news as I don't know what gremlins exist on my end.
I did take a flight with the new v7, and guess what? I had missmatch DUs with power changes. My first attempt it only happened after I switch on engine two on BUS.
Also my flight froze and non of my controls would work with the exception of the throttle. It froze right after I did flight control checks and proceeded to taxi. The external controls would not work and does not control the virtual, even using the mouse in the virtual cockpit would not work either. Only the throttle moved the plane forward but I could not even turn on the tarmac.
I have no idea if it is related to anything yet but this is the first I have ever experienced anything like this ever.
So I exited MSFS came back in and the DUs missmatched happened immediately with light test. And at one point it went missmatch even without a power change.
Once airborne no mismatches.
I dislike computer gremlins!!!!
I have suffer this issue (non controls of cockpit, and Switch madness) two times in last weekend and never before. (one in taxi and another during the flight)
Pmdg become unsable exception for control.
But i use a 6.5 custom version

Maybe somethings wrong in some circustance on pmdg

Mip single version with FWD overhead
Pedestal and mip from cpflight

Waiting to receive link for download the 7.0 version
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