Oi4FS vs Oi4FS24

This is the forum to discuss and ask questions related to the new Oi4FS app for MSFS 2020
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Oi4FS vs Oi4FS24

Post by Andycyxu »

I recently installed (updated Oi4FS) to the Oi4FS24 and what is the benefit of it really ? I also had some problems setting up the ini files, but noticed i can just change them manually after the actual CONFIG option did not seem to work well and all.

Other then automatic start anything new special about it...
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Re: Oi4FS vs Oi4FS24

Post by mvr1918 »

Good question.

Oi4FS24 is a package name for Oi4FS + included free airplane drivers.
MSFS drivers
MS/ASOBO airplanes that use the G1000 avionics
MS/ASOBO B747, B787 and CJ4
flybywire A32NX
Aerosoft CRJ*
Leonardo MD82*

PREPAR3D drivers
PMDG 747*
PMDG 777*

Drivers above not marked with * have always been included free with Oi4FS.
Drivers marked * were earlier sold a add-on driver for Oi4FS. Now they are included free with in the Oi4FS24 package.

The Oi4FS24 has also bug fixes, autostart of drivers and improved Script handling.
The main purpose of the Oi4FS is to handle configuration, editing scripts and autostart drivers.

With Oi4FS you can also add the add on drivers for the PMDG 747 ( not available yet) and PMDG 777 for MSFS.
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