Install problems

The forum for all issues related to the new OC4BAv5 and the new OCP4NGXu driver for PMDG B737NGXu.
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Install problems

Post by youngie63 »

G’day all

I recently reformatted my PC (Win10 Pro) as l wanted a clean install for my new home built 737. Sadly l have had no end of trouble trying to install SIOC/OC4BAv5 so it talks to the sim. I have received two errors (independent of each other) “not a valid integer value” and a “failure to connect due to incorrect side-by-side configuration”.
My step by step install.
1. Run SIOC (7.03b) as administrator
2. Change path to C:\SIOC
3. Install (SIOC icon appears on Desktop)
4. Run OC4BAv5 as admin
5. Change path to SIOC Script folder
6. Install ensuring it goes to P3D Addons folder (check box)
7. Check P3Dv5 box for Addon- close and exit

The necessary folders are added to the P3Dv5 folder in My Documents, however, the OC4BAv5 is not added to the P3Dv5 Addon within the sim. It’s driving me nuts as I’ve been at it for 4 days.
Any help or advice greatly appreciated

Cheers Steve
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Re: Install problems

Post by mvr1918 »


Not sure what you do in step 3 and 5.

Did you do as stated in the installation guidebelow?

See the OC4BAv5 Documentation on how to solve the The side by side error issue.

1. Create a new folder called rksoftware/OC4BAv5 on your PC.
2. Unzip the downloaded to folder ../rksoftware/OC4BAv5.
3. Before continue, read and make sure you understand OC4BAv5 Documentation.pdf's ch. 2 "How to install OC4BAv5".
4. Install OC4BAv5 by running the OC4BAv5_setup.exe and make sure you install OC4BAv5 to the SIOC folder when prompted by the setup program.

1. Before continue, read and make sure you understand OC4BAv5 Documentation.pdf's ch. 3 "How to configure Opencockpits modules".
2. Configure your Opencockpits modules as decribed in "How to configure Opencockpits modules".
- Use the OCP4NGX_v5.5.ssi script when you make your configuration with OC4BAv5/Config if you have Pedestal P&P sub-modules.
- Use the OCP4NGX_v5.5P.ssi script when you make your configuration with OC4BAv4/Config if you have Pedestal sub-modules connected via IDC.

Tips! Right click the Yellow windows in OC4BAv5/Config to get additional information.

If you have any problems related to configuration of your modules, standard Opencockpits built modules or own built modules,
go to for help.

Info about what is happening during the installation of OC4BAv5 for those who want to know some details.

1. The following files are installed to SIOC folder when you run OC4BAv5_setup.exe.
- EULA.rtf
- OC4BAv5 Documentation.pfd
- OC4BAv5.exe
- OC4BA_Starter.dll
- OC4BAv5.ini
- OC4BAv5_Init.exe
- OC4BAv5_Menu.exe
- OCP4NGX.exe
- OCP4NGXu.exe
- OCP4NGX.bmp
- OCP4NGXu.bmp
- OCP4NGX_v5.5.ssi
- OCP4NGX_v5.5P.ssi
- SIOC offsets for B737_EVENTS.txt
- SIOC offsets for B737_VARS.txt
- Sioc.ini

2. A folder, "rksoftware OC4BAv5", is created in the users ../Documents/Prepar3Dv4 Add-ons/ and/or ../Documents/Prepar3Dv5 Add-ons/folder.
- This folder contains an Add-on definition used by Prepar3D, to create a OC4BAv5 link in P3D's Add-on menu.

3. A folder "rksoftware OC4BA_Starter" is created in the users ../Documents/Prepar3Dv4 Add-ons/ and/or ../Documents/Prepar3Dv5 Add-ons/ folder.
- This folder contains an Add-on definition used by Prepar3D, to add a P3D plugin to automatically start correct driver when an PMDG airplane is selected in Prepar3D.

4. A OC4BAv5-path.ini is created in the users .../Documents/ folder.

5. An add-on definition is created in the exe.xml file in the users ...AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/FSX/ folder, if you use FSX or FSX-Steam.

Info about what is happening during the configuration in OC4BAv5's Config submenu.

1. A PMDG B737.ini is created and contains the configuration used by SIOC.
- If you for any reasons want or need to edit the configuration file, you MUST edit the PMDG B737.ini and not the SIOC.ini.
- The reason is that the SIOC.ini is overwritten by PMDG B737.ini file when the OCP4NGX(u) driver is started.
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Re: Install problems

Post by youngie63 »

Thanks mate but I’ve read and followed these instructions several times during the install process. Prior to reformatting the PC it was running ok for the pedestal P&P and MCP so I’ll know it works. I’ll admit I’m tempted to get the new Oi4FS & driver but the concern is l might end up with same problem after forking out ~A$130. Just trying to ascertain why the software won’t talk to P3D

Cheers Steve
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Re: Install problems

Post by mvr1918 »

I am sure you do not install as stated in the document as it should work if done correctly.

I believe the problem lays here:

5. Change path to SIOC Script folde

The script together with all OC4BAv5 files should end up in SIOC folder after you have installed OC4BAv5.

No OC4BAv5 script should be in the the SIOC Script folder of SIOC.
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Re: Install problems

Post by youngie63 »

Last edited by youngie63 on Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Install problems

Post by youngie63 »

To be clear with step 5 in my install process. When installing the OC4BAV5.exe l am installing into the C:\SIOC\SIOC_Scripts folder. It seems I have made an incorrect assumption of where to install the OC4BAV5. Will go with your suggestion. If l continue to have issues l will reformat my PC to remove any potential residual files that may be causing the issue.

Thanks for your input.

Cheers Steve
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Re: Install problems

Post by mvr1918 »

If SIOC and OC4BAv5 are installed as stated in the OC4BAv5 documentation it will work.
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