737 OC overhead APU/Engine start issue

The forum for all issues related to the new OC4BAv5 and the new OCP4NGXu driver for PMDG B737NGXu.
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737 OC overhead APU/Engine start issue

Post by youngie63 »


I finally have my Opencockpits overhead installed for my P3Dv5 PMDG NGXU 738. For the most part all is fine with functionality working with all wired switches. However, from the Cold and Dark panel l can select the APU Start/Run, receive the Low Pressure Oil illumination but it doesn’t spool up. Similarly, if l try an engine start with the GPU connected, l get the same result. I get a rise in N1/N2 but it gets to around 29% N2 and stops. It almost akin to fuel starvation or igniters not working.

To confuse the issue, if l load the NGXU Short panel, the APU is started with the appropriate EGT reading and all is good with the world. I can then complete my checklists and start engines as normal. I do, however, get a ‘Fail’ light on the O/H APU segment as well as an APU warning on the 6 Pack. I have subsequently completed flights and have been able to start the APU during the taxi-in phase.

Any ideas as to what the issue may be? Any assistance greatly appreciated.


Steve Young (youngie63)
Canberra Australia
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Re: 737 OC overhead APU/Engine start issue

Post by mvr1918 »

Do you have the start up issues only when using the hardware OVH? Does it work OK in virtual cockpit with no hardware OVH enabled?

Something to always remember: When you start the airplane in a specific mode( C&D, SHort, LONG etc) you need to have the hardware OVH configured correctly. All switches MUST be set to the correct position prior to starting the mode.
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