Hi everybody
there is no choice for the Cessna C700 (Longitude)
i tested the MS default cockpit config , but some function of EFIS V2 & MCP V3 doesn't work
MS Defalut doesn't work with MCP V3 for
Speed , C/O , SPD INTV buttons
ALT INTV button which have no effect on Altitude select 100 or 1.000 feets step
looking at the files of OI4FS and logic usage of OI4FS, it created a new Cockpit AIrcraft named "MS C700" based on "MS Default" setting to try to correct the issues for C700
for that
- i added the "MS C700" aircraft in section [COCKPIT] of OI4FS.ini
- i created in S:\SIOC\OI4FS Folder a "MS C700.ini" file (copie of MS default.ini + modif Name of Script to "MS C700 v1.5.ssi")
- i copied the MS Default v1.5.ssi to MS C700 v1.5.ssi
it seems working when i select the C700 to start the flight
the driver is already MS Default because i click on Default icon due to the fact that there is no C700 Starter
now i have to decompile MS C700 V1.5.ssi to make the correction for C700
Question : is it a good way to create a new C700 config ?
Config for a Longitude C700
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:29 pm
Config for a Longitude C700
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- C700.png (47.73 KiB) Viewed 4305 times
Re: Config for a Longitude C700
The Cessna C700 uses the G5000 and not the G1000 avionics.
Oi4FS comes with airplanes drivers for the MSFS default airplanes that use the Garmin 1000 Navigation System and the MS/ASOBO B747, B787, A320 (FlyByWire) and CJ4(Working Title) airplanes.
So, there is no support at this time for any airplane that use the G5000.
Oi4FS comes with airplanes drivers for the MSFS default airplanes that use the Garmin 1000 Navigation System and the MS/ASOBO B747, B787, A320 (FlyByWire) and CJ4(Working Title) airplanes.
So, there is no support at this time for any airplane that use the G5000.