New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

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New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by mvr1918 »

As of June 1 2022 there are some issues with using the NGXu driver and script code for the PMDG 737 in MSFS.
More issues will probably pop up in the next weeks.

These issues are not bugs. The reason for these issues are due to differences between the internal coding of the NGXu in P3D and the PMDG 737 for MSFS.

To fix these issues new driver and script code will be needed. All code fixing will be done as new driver and WASM code for the MSFS. This is a complete different code base.

There will be no bug fixes in the NGXu driver and script code for PMDG 737 in MSFS usage.

Customers that has bought the PMDG 737 driver for the MSFS will get these fixes free of charge.

Customers that use the NGXu code and script from the OC4BAv5 package for the PMDG 737 in MSFS
will not get these bug fixes and have to make a choice to live with the issuses or buy the PMDG 737 driver software.

A special "upgrade" price will be announced when the first release of the new driver and script code with fixes are released.
James Curry
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by James Curry »

Awaiting the upgrade price from oc4ba as im one of them.
Thanks for your terrific work as always on all of this project, its amazing to see how quickly its all going since the release a few weeks ago..

James Curry
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by DoubleC771 »

Hi Roar,

please mind them who bought the oc4ba on 12.05. while waiting for the release of the PMDG737 on 13.05. ;) like me
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by mvr1918 »

All customers that bought the OC4BAv5 or OC4BAv5 upgrade between May 10 - June 1 2022 will get the new special PMDG 737 for MSFS driver + a stripped down version of Oi4FS free of charge when it is released .

The stripped down version of Oi4FS does not come with any airplane drivers.
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by Andycyxu »

I wanted to report that my EFIS, Com1, Nav1, FMC, MCP and transponder seem to work fine with the code I had from OC4BAv5, that also includes my home made MIP so the Landing gear, PD and ND selectors, 6 pack...

I started to configure the SSI file now to work with my also home made Overhead Panel and there is where o ran into problems... Somehow only few buttons seem to work on this panel after I modified the Device and Input numbers in script to match my hardware.

So my question is... Is that the part of the bugs you are talking about ? Everything else like mentioned above seems to work fine from the get go, so before I waste more time trying to figure out what I might have messed up in SSI file i wanted to ask here, maybe it's just a case of new driver needed.

I also edited some outputs these seem to work fine I will edit more later to see (these are difficult for me to find out LOL) , but yeah from switches only got ATTENDANT, GROUDCALL, TRIPRESER and OVHDRESET... No other switches which I have edited seem to work at all. I doubt that I did something wrong thats why I am wondering if that is the problem you are mentioning
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by mvr1918 »

You have to have your own built OVH set up as Device 30 as explained in the documentation. If you use another Device number, the input variables will not be read by the OCP4NGXu driver.

I am not aware of any other issues with the OVH when using the old code and PMDG 737 for MSFS.

You should use IOCPConsole to chech what is going on under the hood when modifying and testing your new script and hardware.

Copy from documentation:
Screenshot 2022-06-11 090123.png
Screenshot 2022-06-11 090123.png (131.65 KiB) Viewed 8827 times
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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by Andycyxu »

OK, Thanks, changing it to 30 helped I have also MIP hooked to the same Expansion card so also IDX30 (1_EXP+3_MASTERS shared between OVH and MIP) I had to changed that to 30 also and it all works now, although MIP worked fine with IDX50, but anyways now it all works.

Yes I am familiar with the IOCPConsole that's what I have to use to find out my input/output numbers then match it to the script.

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Re: New driver code and script are needed to fix issues and bugs for PMDG 737 for MSFSs

Post by mvr1918 »

Solved by user.
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