Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

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Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by pluckas »


There are two issues that have been present from the beginning with OC4BAv4 and OpenCockpit plug and play radio modules.

The first is that backlighting is not modelled at all. When cold and dark, backlighting on these modules remains on. This may be a function of the modules receiving power from USB. Roar - is it possible that OC4BA could be modified to disable backlighting to OC PnP modules when there is no power to the aircraft?

The second and more annoying issue is that the OpenCockpit plug and play COM, NAV and XPNDR modules do not function well unless the APU is on. There's a very long delay between shifting the rotary, and seeing a change in the display. The segments change perfectly in the PMDG 'virtual' panel, but not on the hardware module. This phenomenon is only present on the COM, NAV and XPNDR modules. The behaviour on the ADF module is fine.

Is it possible that either of these issues has been fixed with OC4BAv5?
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Re: Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by mvr1918 »

The first is that backlighting is not modelled at all. When cold and dark, backlighting on these modules remains on. This may be a function of the modules receiving power from USB. Roar - is it possible that OC4BA could be modified to disable backlighting to OC PnP modules when there is no power to the aircraft?
Sorry, but there is no way to implement this in the driver or script for P&P modules. AS long as the modules are connected to the USB port, they get 5V to the backlight LEDs.

The second and more annoying issue is that the OpenCockpit plug and play COM, NAV and XPNDR modules do not function well unless the APU is on. There's a very long delay between shifting the rotary, and seeing a change in the display. The segments change perfectly in the PMDG 'virtual' panel, but not on the hardware module. This phenomenon is only present on the COM, NAV and XPNDR modules. The behaviour on the ADF module is fine.
I believe this issue was introduced after the airplane was updated from PMDG.

Does the delay occur only when no power is connected to the buses(APUgenoff/ENGgensoff)

Do you have the latest version of B737 installed?

I will check when I am back in my cockpit next week.
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Re: Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by pluckas »

The problem never occurs with ENG or APU power. When on GRD power, sometimes the problem does not exist. But when starting from cold and dark, the problem exists.

I'm using the last version of the 737NGX (not the NGXu).

Thanks for taking a look Roar.
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Re: Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by mvr1918 »

The erratic Radio displays issue is probably a bug in the OCP4NGX(u) drivers.

I will look into the issue and hopefully come up with a solution.
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Re: Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by mvr1918 »

I have sent an updated OCP4NGX driver to you for a test.

Backup old OCP4NGX driver before unzipping the new updated OCP4NGX v4.4.6

Fine if you report back here.
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Re: Behaviour of OC Plug and Play modules

Post by pluckas »

Hello Roar,

All working very nicely now. Thank you for the fix.

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