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Post by donjbravo »

Good morning Roar,

I was doing a check on some of my inputs in conjunction with the program and I notice that Device 31, Input 33 had two separate inputs, one:

Var 2368 bBELOW_GS,static, link IOCARD_SW, Device 31 Input 33 and
Var 0438, name SGRDPROXFLAP, Link IOCARD_SW, Device 31, Input 33

My question is this OK, as it is or an error for bBELOW G/S?
I'm seeing the input on SIOC Monitor for the Flap Proximity switch, but nothing else. Only other think I can think of is the P Inhibit switch.

Thanks always for your assistance.

Best regards

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Re: OCP4NGX.v4.6P

Post by mvr1918 »

You are right.

But, the OC built MIP seems to not have any button function for the Below GS Inhibit, only an annunciator.

So, if you are using an OC built MIP it shouldn't matter if it is in the script. Or you could just delete it.

The button is though implemented in the PMDG B737NGX and I have it in my cockpit. Never used in any flight.
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