USB port number changes

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USB port number changes

Post by Alpin-Flier »

Hi Roar
After the last windows update to 1809 an old problem came up. Some USB ports did change their numbers, so the links between some Opencockpit modules and my script were broken (different device numbers). Is it still not possible to provide for each USB port a predefined USB port number?
Thanks for any infos about and best regards
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Re: USB port number changes

Post by mvr1918 »

As I understand it, the USB port number handling is done by the Windows OS or SIOC.

I suggest you send this question to who is the only person that can give a good answer to this issue.

If you get any information, please share it here.
Posts: 46
Joined: Sun May 24, 2015 2:59 pm

Re: USB port number changes

Post by Alpin-Flier »

Well, I asked Opencockpits:

I have a lot of OC modules in my homecockpit. Everything works fine, but after an update of Windows10 (actually to 1809), some USB port numbers have changed. So several links to my SIOC script are broken and must be reconfigured. I know, it's an old problem with Windows dynamic USB numbering, but I would like to know, if you have some recommendation how to avoid renumbering in Windows. Another solution would be a change in SIOC to make it independent from port numbering, using board identifiers as COM1, COM2, NAV1, NAV2, a.s.o.

And this was the answer:

Thank you for your email. You have to adapt the new IDX manually in your config file. The easir way is trought Config devices option (sioc main screen).
All the best.
Opencockpits Support Team

Therefore they don't have a solution to freeze the port numbers and we must live with manual IDX corrections after HW changes resp. bigger SW updates.
Best regards
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