OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

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OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by donjbravo »

Good afternoon Roar,

I'm on the final stages of completing my 737 cockpit with OC modules throughout, using your fantastic OC4BA driver and scripts. I currently have 4.5.ssi. I'll sent a separate email for the upgrade to 4.6 which I understand is available.

I bought the full version of OC pedestal some 3 weeks ago and it has arrived.

I'm currently using your 4.5.ssi script and to date, everything has worked perfectly with all the other modules, as you have done a marvelous job to match your script file inputs and outputs to avoid any clashes. I have all OC equipment installed. MIP, Capt / FO FMC's, Capt / FO EFIS, FCP, FWD and AFR overheads and lastly the pedestal. Awaiting just the seats from FDS (Apparently they have a higher weight limit) to complete the project.

For some reason I'm having some difficulty with gettiing the pedestal to work at all which surprised me given the ease at which everything else worked, if you follow the insructions!

SIOC sees the USB and I can verifiy the pedestal, com radio, adf switch etc, servo and leds using SIOC Monitor. It 'appears' to work in SIOC as I can link the pedestal to IDX 32, and it can see this in the config device screen, but in the OC4BA it just sees the pedestal for some reason as a Device, with no USB numbers shown to be able to link this, as all the others do.

The .ini file also shows this as a device also, i.e not in the usual format we are all used to.

Can I ask if this is something you have seen before, and whether you could assist me in solving this?

I'll double check the inputs / outputs. The script txt file relating to the Pedestal I can see is the PED02.txt if that is any help. Perhaps you updated this since 4.5?

Your help as always will be very welcome.

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Re: OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by mvr1918 »

The script code that is in the in the OCP4NGX_v4.x.ssi scripts is for Pedestal modules of P&P types. I.e. separate modules as P&P COMs, NAV etc.

The complete OC assembled Pedestal unit has all modules connected via a Pedestal connection card and thereby uses a different device and numbering scheme for inputs/outputs and displays.

I believe that is the one you have.

What to do:

1.Backup the script you are going to modify (i.e. OCP4NGX_v4.6.ssi to OCP4NGX_v4.6.ssi_original)
2.Start SIOC.exe and load the script to modify and export it as a text file
3. Modify this file so all lines for all "Pedestal modules" that has a Device parameter is set to Device 32(instead of i.e. Device 8 for COM1 etc)
4. Have the list that came with the Pedestal ready and change all input/output and display numbers for all "Pedestal modules" so they match the ones in the list.
5. Compile the text file and save as OCP4NGX_V4.6.ssi

6. In OC4BAv4/Config make a new configuration file and link the Expansion/Master for the Pedestal in the Modules screen to the Pedestal in the Operation screen.

See also topic http://www.flightsim4fun.com/Forum/view ... f=15&t=585

You can also try to contact Manfred in the topic and ask him to send you the modifies scritpt.

Hope this helps you further in your cockpit setup.
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Re: OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by donjbravo »

Hi Roar,

I’m still having issues with getting the Pedestal to work.

On your advice I’ve gone through the script and changed all the pedestal devices no’s to Device 32, then taken the OC pedestal input and outputs, having also checked these in the SIOC monitor for accuracy, and there are a couple of things that I noticed.

ADF2 is not in your 4.5.ssi script, which may be the case looking at your documentation. OC have it in theirs but I can see it isn’t mentioned in your documentation
COM 1 and COM2 seems to be missing the Com test button in your the script, possibly as this is a new OC unit.
ADFS OC Script has outputs 22, 23, 24 and 25 as Fire Panel, but you use this for the ADF symbols. In the SiOC Monitor with the pedestal connected I cant find the output associated with the ADF symbols, unless these are one of the hidden ones. I don’t know what number to allocate to the symbols in your script. Would appreciate a little advice with this.

in the OC config program, I then configured each of the USB’s to the IDX numbers in the script including USB 160 to Device 32, being the pedestal. Everything else has worked perfectly since I installed it some time ago. Only problem is that each time I load it, often I have to reconfigure this every time or they won’t appear as being available in the modules folder when I start OC4BA, which is more than a little irritating lol.

This is what you can see from the config file, when I click on Module USB Pedestal and try and allocate this in Operations, it doesn’t ‘transfer’ over to the active cockpit as all the rest have done, even although it seems to LINK Ok in the OC config program.

And this is where I am. The pedestal, I can see all inputs and outputs via the SIOC monitor but so far nothing has worked after that. I’m sure its just a simple thing I’m not doing, but hopefully you and the forum can lend some assistance.

[PMDG B737]

[ --- SIOC Autoconfig Devices Ver 6.0 B8 ==> 02-Jan-19 4:53:44 PM <== ----]

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Re: OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by mvr1918 »

Hi, Hope to have some time tomorrow or SUnday to look into your issues. To busy and to late now.
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Re: OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by donjbravo »

Hi Roar,

Thank you for looking into this when you can.
I did notice that in other discussions that OC4BA 4.6.ssi was mentioned when talking about the pedestal.
I don't believe I have 4.6.ssi, only 4.5.
Would it be that I will need a copy of the 4.6.ssi where I can then look at modifying this, as I did with the 4.5.ssi currently still without any success.
If so can I ask if you would be good enough to send it to me?
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Re: OC4BA Pedestal Issue - Not recognising USB

Post by mvr1918 »

I have sent you a PM
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