Output Card does not see output led (Moved to V4)

Forum for the OC4BA v2/v3 and OC4BAConfig including the OCP4NGX driver
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Output Card does not see output led (Moved to V4)

Post by Wardie »

Hi All, I have attached an Opencockpits Master Card, Expansion card, an Input card and an output card to my system. I have attached a switch to the input card and it works perfectly. My problem lies with the output card. I am trying to get the LEDs powered by the landing gear up and down annunciator panel to work. I am running PMDG 737 with OCP4NGX_v4.5.ssi. Everything loads well, when I open SIOC Monitor it gives me IDX=31 - USB Expancion v3 - Device =741. I then double click on this to map my output LEDs. I have connected the LEDs to the output card and when I press "All On" under the Output Commands they all light up. I then go to activate the individual numbered squares to get each LED's address and nothing lights up....... None of the individual squares light up my LEDs. I once again press "All On' and they all light up! Please help me to find out where I am going wrong, I need the individual numbers to place in the script file. Unfortunately I am a newbie so please have patience with me! Many thanks in advance!
Last edited by Wardie on Tue Feb 06, 2018 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 74
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2017 1:03 pm

Re: Output Card does not see output led

Post by Wardie »

Apologies, I will put this in the OC4BA v4 Title.
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Re: Output Card does not see output led (Moved to V4)

Post by mvr1918 »

Closed topic
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