Open Cockpits FMCv3

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by escasoni.1 »

Hi guys,

I’m having a few problems in getting my Open Cockpits FMCv3 to function properly in that several buttons don’t display the correct pages, and I simply cannot get the screen to display the readouts only without some of the CDU framing on the screen. This means the readouts never line up properly with the LSK keys.

My flight simulator setup is as follows.
PMDG 737 and 777 using P3D under Windows 10.
I have 3 monitors connected to the graphics card which is an nVidea Ge Force GTX 970. The main monitor is set to show the aircraft cockpit and a second to show my flight plan program, which is FS Commander. These are connected to the computer via an HDMI socket (main monitor) and DVI-D socket (second monitor).

Two Open Cockpit modules are fitted, an MCP v3 module and an EFIS module, both of which I have had for some time and have worked well. However a third module has been recently added in the form of an Open Cockpits FMCv3 CDU unit which is connected to the DVI-I socket, snice it has a VGA input.
When loading the 777 and connecting OC4BA, the FMCv3 keys give the following results.

INIT REF and RTE display the correct CDU pages.
Dep/ARR displays the FMC COMM page
ATC and V NAV display the correct CDU pages
FIX displays the MENU page.
LEGS displays the correct page
Hold displays DEP/ARR page
FMC COMM displays the LEGS page
PROG and EXEC display the correct pages
NAV RAD displays the FIX page.
I know the unit is designed for use with the 747/767, but surely the buttons should give the correct displays with the 777.

Regarding the screen setup issue, will this only work properly in full screen mode, as when in windowed mode, the undocked DCU has a white band across the upper edge which I cannot get rid of no matter what scrolling I do. Even in full screen mode, I cannot scroll sufficiently to eliminate the DCU frame and just leave the screen characters displayed on the FMCv3 module.

Apologies for the length of this posting, but I’m so frustrated in not being able to get this unit to function, as all the information I have read both on the net, and in the OC setup manual make everything look simple. Not for me it ain’t.

I truly would appreciate all help in getting the unit to work as it should.

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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by mvr1918 »

Before I look into your issue in depht.

What is your OC4BA and OCP4777X versions?

Am I right that you do not have the B737 FMCv3 model, but the B767/B747 FMCv3 model?
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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by escasoni.1 »


The FMCv3 unit I have is the 747/767 one new from OC last month.

OC4BA version is OC4BAv4-v4.1.1.0
OCP4777 version is OCP4777x -v4.1

Many thanks for your help.

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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by mvr1918 »

Before you do anything of the listed below, send an email to and I will send you the latest OC4BAv4 version

FMC Button issue:

As you have the B747/767 FMCv3 model you have to make some modification to the OCP4777X script.

You have to options here:

Make the modification yourself ( it is easy if you know what you are doing)
of have me do the modification for you for a small fee.

How to do it:

First backup original script

Go to SIOC/Edit Script
Open the OCP4777X script
Export to text and make modification for the CDU buttons
Compile the modded script

Display issue:
8. How to set up FMCv3 screen

1. Connect FMC V3 to any USB port on PC 2. Connect Power line to FMC V3 3. Connect video cable to a free VGA port on PC

4. Verify or set up the VGA screen in the NVIDIA Control Panel by a right click on the desktop screen. 5. Choose VGA screen in Control Panel and set to display to 1024x768

6. Restart PC 7. Turn on Power to the FMC V3 8. You should know see part of the desktop screen on the FMC V3 display

9. Edit panel.cfg for your airplane

For the PMDG B737NGX go to: FSX/P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800 NGX and open panel folder and paste in the text below over the original text after you have taken a backup gauge00=PMDG_737NGX!CDU, -90,-120,570,1645,L #0

For the PMDG B777 go to: FSX/P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 777-200LR and open panel folder and paste in the text below over the original text after you have taken a backup gauge00=PMDG_777X!CDU, -93,-100,570,1544,L #0

For the PMDG B747v3 go to: FSX/P3D\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 747-400 and open panel folder and paste in the text below over the original text after you have taken a backup gauge00=PMDG_747QOTSII!CDU, -80,-80,570,1580,L #0

You can make small changes to these values if you need to make some minor adjustments to fit your setup.

10. Save

11. Start FSX/P3D and choose the PMDG airplane 12. Right click Captain's CDU screen and drag it to the FMC V3 screen 13. Make adjustment by means of the buttons on the back of the FMC V3 if needed (I use AutoConfig from the FMC V3 setup and turn Brightness to 60 and Contrast to 80 to get a dark screen) 14. Use OC4BAv4 as described in doc

15. Verify that the buttons and display on the FMC V3 are lined up as good as possible and that it works OK.

For FSX and FSX-SE: Use Panel Store and Panel Restore to make sure the window keeps coming up to same position on screen every time It is freeware program available on the Internet.

For P3D: Save flight in the scenario menu. If you now open this the FMC screen will be correct
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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by mvr1918 »

Just found my old 777 FMCv3 script.

Just replace the original script from // init ref line with this part

recompile and you should have buttons working OK

IF &cdu = 79 // init ref
&k = 2186
IF &cdu = 78 // rte
&k = 2215
IF &cdu = 77 // clb dep/arr
&k = 2175
IF &cdu = 76 // crz altn
&k = 2168
IF &cdu = 75 // des vnav
&k = 2222
IF &cdu = 71 // menu fix
&k = 2180
IF &cdu = 70 // legs
&k = 2196
IF &cdu = 69 // dep/arr hold
&k = 2184
IF &cdu = 68 // hold fmc comm
&k = 2181
IF &cdu = 67 // prog
&k = 2206
IF &cdu = 66 // EXEC
&k = 2178
IF &cdu = 63 // n1 limit menu
&k = 2198
IF &cdu = 62 // fix nav rad
&k = 2200
IF &cdu = 55 // Prev Pg
&k = 2205
IF &cdu = 54 // Next Pg
&k = 2201
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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by escasoni.1 »


Wow! What a comprehensive reply. Please give me a few days to inwardly digest this and to contact Roar for the latest OC4BA as advised.

I'll certainly have a go at the file modification, but if If I get stuck, I would be pleased if you would do this for me.

unfortunately due to other commitments it will take me a little time to go through all your steps, but I'll certainly give this a try and see if I can get through it without messing thinks up.

Again, many, many thanks for your help.

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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by escasoni.1 »


I've had a good look at my download file tree, and I believe the file version I gave you for OC4BA is invorrect, as this has a creation date of . Unfortunately the newer file (I believe) has no version under it's properties, so I can only give the creation date of this which is 8th September 2017.

Downloading OC4BA from flightsim4fun shop gives a file with the same creation date, so I reckon this must be the same as I have installed.

Am I correct, and how can I tell the version if it's not given under properties ?

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Re: Open Cockpits FMCv3

Post by mvr1918 »

I recommend you to do the following so everything is fresh and clean:

1. Uninstall the OC4BAv4 version you have now in the SIOC folder.
2. Uninstall SIOC
3. Completely delete SIOC folder so all old files are gone.
4. Download latest SIOC from Opencockpits if you do not have it already
5. Download and unzip latest OC4BAv4 and OCP4777X software to a temporary folder
6. READ information below and OC4BAv4 documentation in order to install both SIOC and OC4BAv4 correctly
7. USE OCP4777X_v4.3b.ssi when you configure a new configuration file in OC4BAv4 for your B777 with OC B767/B747 FMCv3 model

The OCP4777X.ssi is already modify and should work with your B767/B747 FMCv3 model.
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