Go from 737 to 777

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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Go from 737 to 777

Post by DDC »

Hi all,

So I have most of the OpenCockpits modules for the 737 (OVH, MIP etc). I have been flying the 737 for a while now and looking to move to the PMDG777. Do you think I could just purchase the OCP4777X and then convert my cockpit to the PMDG777? Of course I know that the controls would be different (and it wouldnt be an exact match) but how much of my existing 737 cockpit could I use in the 777?

- Daynas
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Re: Go from 737 to 777

Post by mvr1918 »


The OCP4777X release v4.2 has SIOC script code to handle MCP v2/v3, Captain and First Officer EFISs, Captain FMC/CDU v2/v3, COM1, COM2 and ATC/Transponder.

All PMDG B777X SDK Variables (Outputs from the airplane) and Events (Inputs to the airplane)
are implemented in the driver, but the script handles only the modules listed above.
Writing your own script code, will let you interface any Events and Variables with all other Opencockpits modules. ( MIP, OVH, IOCARDS etc)
You can view the Events and Variables and the corresponding SIOC offsets in the OC4BAv4 Script subprogram.

You will need the B777 Driver.
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