PMDG 737 P3D V4

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PMDG 737 P3D V4

Post by Pack64 »

Hi all,

I´ve got a problem with the latest version of the 737 PMDG script 4.5. In the MCP (mine is V2) when I move the VERT SPEED wheel the numbers fit the P3D virtual cocpit unti reaching 1000 feet per minute, after that if I move the wheel (UP) in the MCP, in the virtual cockpit the numbers change but in my MCP doesn´t until I reach 2000, so in my MCP I see 2000, 3000, 4000 and so forth not the intermidiate numbers.

Any help is appreciated,

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Re: PMDG 737 P3D V4

Post by mvr1918 »

I will look into this. You are not the first reporting some issues with the VS. I have tested it several times, but canæt find any issues. But, I have MCP v3. The logig is the same for all MCP displays, so it is strage that this happens only to the VS.

But, I will look more into it.
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Re: PMDG 737 P3D V4

Post by jerealexcopa »

Hi guy,

I'm writing to you because I'have exactly the same problem.

I bought your software yesterday and after installing and configuring it for FMC V3 and MCP V2 I tried it with Prepard 3D. All functions of FMC and MCP are enabled (it's amazing) but for the VS and onely for this one the display on my MCP V2 don't refresh in real time.

I'have a second question (maybe it's already ask on this forum but I'dont find it). I use Prepard3D with 3 screen which are plug on Display Port (surround) for the cockpit and the FMC wich is plug on HDMI output with a HDMI/VGA converter. I would like to know if with this config I can play in full screen.

Thanck's for your answer. And congratulation for your job.

Best regards
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Re: PMDG 737 P3D V4

Post by mvr1918 »

I am still looking into this issue.

Could you test the following with VS

Turn VS UP from 0000 to 4000

Does the OC MCP display all values ( 0000-50-100-150..1000-1100.........)?
What does the PMDG MCP shows at the same time

Does speed of turning the VS knob change anything?

DO the same with VS down
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