Unable to display CDU on FMC v3[SOLVED]

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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Unable to display CDU on FMC v3[SOLVED]

Post by dornier »


It appears that OCP4 777X is working great, but I'm having a problem displaying the CDU on the OC FMCv3. Here's what I normally do with the 737 which always works.

1. I click on the CDU
2. Resize the CDU to fit the OC FMC screen
3. Drag it to the OC FMC screen and after a few corrections I'm up and running.

With the 777, when I drag the visible CDU screen to the OC FMC, it goes blank even though I can see the mouse on the OC FMC screen. At one point I couldn't find the CDU screen at all and had to reload the 777. I did modify panel.cfg file like I did the 737 and it seems to work as before. But when I drag the screen to the CDU, I can't see it.

Any ideas?


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Re: Unable to display CDU on FMC v3

Post by dornier »

Figured it out. I had to undock the window and then it's visible in the CDU.
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Re: Unable to display CDU on FMC v3

Post by mvr1918 »

Solved by user
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